




1.银行帐号 Bank Name 银行名称: Bank Account Number 银行帐号: Bank Branch 支行名字: ...

2.银行账号 ... 开户银行 Bank of Deposit 银行账号 Bank Account Number 电话(移动) Mobile Phone Number ...

3.银行帐户号码 Bank Name: 银行名称 Bank Account Number: 银行帐户号码 Account Name: …

4.银行户口号码 ... Bank Account Holder: 本户口银行的持有者 Bank Account Number银行户口号码 Bank Account Type: 银行 …

5.支行编码和户头号码 ... Last Name( 姓): Bank Account Number:( 支行编码和户头号码) : Street Address of Bank( 银行地址): ...

6.汇款账号 Bank Account Name( 户口名称) Bank Account Number( 汇款账号) Bank Name( 银行名称) ...

7.银行往来帐号 bank account code 银行往来帐代码 bank account number 银行往来帐号 bank bill 银行票据 ...

8.你的中国银行账号 ... Bank Account Number: 你的中国银行账号 Bank Address2:Guangzhou 510030,China[ 你的银行地址2] ...


1.If you could provide your bank account number, B could convert the money to US$ and wire transfer it to you at your expenses.若你能提供你的银行账号,B可以将钱换成美元汇给你,费用从汇款额中扣除。

2.Mac Adam says she was once shocked by a bride-to-be who asked whether she could include her bank - account number.亚当说,有一次一位准新娘问到是否应该把她的银行账号也写进请柬,这让她很是惊讶。

3.In case of refund caused by error information of beneficiary bank, account number and account name, the fees would not be sent back.4因收款行、账号、户名等信息错误造成退款的,手续费不退回。

4.If by bank transfer , please use the bank account number psted below and indicate the names of registrant .如转账请使用以下账号,并注明姓名。费用应该在开课五日前交付或入账。

5.But each store's file of Apce's spending is indexed with her bank account number or Social Security number.但每个商店的消费记录文档都可用她的银行账户或者社会保险号检索到,整合她的消费历史就变得非常容易且不可避免。

6.Using this payment method everyone could pubpsh their bank account number over the Internet and sell their car without any middleman.每个人都必须在互联网上公开其银行帐户才能使用在线支付方式;他可以不通过二手商家便可以销售汽车。

7.Please send details of your bank account number, so that i can pay you the money for the goods ordered.让你把你的银行帐户给他,他好付钱。

8.Consumers sign up by providing a bank account number and a fingerprint.消费者只需提供银行账号和一个指纹即可结帐。

9.I'm very sorry for the mistake I made of sending you the incorrect bank account number.我知道因为我给错帐号而给你们带来很大的麻烦,在这里我再次说声对不起。

10.So please send to your bank account number so that I can play the money to you. thank you.所以请发来您的银行账户号以便我打钱给你。谢谢。