




1.韩国央行 ... Bank of Japan 日本中央银行 Bank of Korea 韩国中央银行 Bank of Thailand 泰国中央银 …

5.南韩中央银行这项修正后的数字比南韩中央银行(Bank of Korea)预测的3.2%,以及国际货币基金(International Monetary Fund)预测的3.6%都 …

6.因韩国央行韩圆兑美元大涨,因韩国央行(Bank of Korea)前夜出人意料地上调利率。美元兑韩圆周五下跌约0.8%。

7.南韩银行南韩银行Bank of Korea)的数字称,北韩GDP在整个90年代都是负增长,直到1998年后才实现转机。但到2004-2007年间再 …


1.The Bank of Korea, the central bank, may miss its inflation target as higher import prices drive up the cost of pving.随着进口价格升高,生活成本被抬高,韩国央行韩国银行也许难以达成通胀指标。

2.The Bank of Korea has stepped up its 24-hr monitoring of the financial markets to measure investors' and credit rating agencies' movements.韩国央行已对金融市场采取24小时监控,追踪投资者及信贷评级机构的动向。

3.The Bank of Korea held off from boosting borrowing costs for two months after two quarter-point increases in January and March.朝鲜银行在1月及3月调升0.25码以后,即延缓提升借贷成本。

4.Bank of Korea also said the price rise itself will not stop, wage increases, consumption increases and so will further push up prices.韩国央行也称,物价上涨本身不会停止,工资上调、消费增加等将会进一步推高物价。

5.The Bank of Korea on Tuesday said it bought the gold from the global market in June and July.韩国央行周二说,这些黄金是在6月和7月在全球市场买进的。

6.That tradition is not dead; the Bank of Korea just made a small purchase of the yellow metal, for example.这个传统没有消亡;例如,韩国央行(BankofKorea)就刚刚购入了少量黄金。

7.The Bank of Korea cut its benchmark interest rate by 75 basis points to 4. 25 per cent last week.韩国央行上个星期把基准利率调低了75个基本点,降到4.

8.Bank of Korea minutes released on Tuesday showed its concern about rising asset prices.周二发布的韩国央行(BankofKorea)会议纪要,显示出该行对资产价格上涨的担忧。

9.The World Bank, The Asia Development Bank, The Renaissance Credit Bank of German, The Industry Bank of Korea and etc.世界银行、亚洲开发银行、德国复兴信贷银行、韩国产业银行等,都是国际知名的开发性政策性金融机构。

10.The Bank of Korea forecasts that inflation could accelerate to 3. 5 per cent this year, rising from 2. 9 per cent in 2010.韩国央行预测称,今年的通胀率可能攀升至3.5,高于2010年的2.