




1.我们的足球 ... An Orange and A Gold Cup 橘子和金杯 Our Football 我们的足球 My Favorite Film Star 我最喜欢的电影明 …


1.We have no doubt that with its coach and captain replaced, our football team will turn corner and be a real force in the coming tournament.我们毫不怀疑,更换了教练和队长后,我们这支球队一定能改观,成为锦标赛中的一支劲旅。

2.We are now in a bad mood and, of course , have no desire to see our football team lose the game.我们现在情绪很糟,当然更不愿意看到我们足球队在比赛中失败。

3.We have no desire to see our football team fail in the game.我们不愿意看到我们的足球队在比赛中失败。

4.Our football team played up to its best in the last League matches.我们的足球队在上届联赛中发挥了最高水平。

5.At 25, he's at a good age to come to a big club pke United and he would fit in with the structure of our football club in terms of age.25岁,他处在一个很好的年龄去向曼联这么大的俱乐部。他也符合我们球队的年龄组合。

6.I'd pke to take you to one of our football games before the season is over.赛季结束前,我打算带你去看场我们的足球赛。

7."Once we get into a rhythm, play a lot of games and get playing our football, we're really difficult to stop, " the defender told MUTV .“当我们进入自己的节奏打足够多的比赛之后,我们就无法阻挡了,”这位后卫告诉曼联电视。

8.We are feepng bad, and certainly do not want to see our football team in the game failed.我们现在情绪很糟,当然更不愿看到我们的足球队在比赛中失败。

9.Our football team is contending with one from the next town for the championship.们的足球队正与邻镇的足球队争夺冠军称号。

10.As Isaac Asimov once commented, we scored a touchdown, then took our football and went home.正如艾萨克·阿西莫夫评论的那样,我们只赢得一次达阵,然后便收起球回家了。