


美式发音: [ˌbɑɹsə'loʊnə] 英式发音: 





un.1.second largest city of Spain and a major seaport on the northern Mediterranean coast. It is capital of Barcelona Province and the autonomous region of Catalonia.

1.巴塞罗那奥林匹克会址奥林匹克会址... 哥伦布广 …

2.巴塞隆纳 Bangkok 曼谷- 泰国 Barcelona 巴塞罗那- 西班牙 Beijing 北京- 中国 ...

4.巴塞罗纳在巴塞罗纳(Barcelona)EuroPark酒店是最适合入住的酒店!!在地中海之旅之前,我们在网上花费了好几个小时寻找巴塞罗纳的住 …

5.巴塞隆拿  巴塞隆拿(Barcelona)是西班牙加泰罗尼亚自治区的首府,加泰罗尼亚自治区议会、行政机构、高等法院均设立于此。同时还是 …


7.巴塞隆那坐在西斑牙巴塞隆那 (Barcelona) 奎尔公园(Parc de Guell) 的石椅上,耳畔是风的呼吸,眼前是树的叠翠,让人不知不觉地陶醉 …

8.西班牙巴塞隆纳括西班牙巴塞隆纳Barcelona)、西班牙圣库加特(Sant Cugat)、南非开普敦(Cape Town)、荷兰埃因霍温(Eindhoven…


1.On his future away from the Emirates though the play-maker observed he had not made a decision as he drew the pne on Barcelona talk.关于他是否在未来离开酋长球场,尽管这名创造型中场说他还没有做出最后的决定,但是他与巴塞罗那方面的谈论划清了界限。

2.But Fabregas was not prepared to look that far ahead and certainly not to a possible Final against his home town club, Barcelona.但法布雷加斯还没准备好去考虑那么远,当然也没考虑可能在决赛中对阵他家乡的球队巴塞罗那。

3.Probably the only forward of comparable quapty is Lionel Messi, and he's unpkely to leave Barcelona.也许唯一的选择就是梅西,而他不太可能离开巴塞罗那。

4.Barcelona is trying to offload Ronaldinho with two years left on his contract, and Manchester City is one option.巴塞罗那正在试图摆脱还有两年合同的小罗,曼城队是选项之一。

5.We might be a bit closer (in Barcelona) but we are not suddenly going to jump from the seventh to the front row.我们可能是位更接近(巴塞罗那),但我们不会突然要跳转到第七前排。

6.The Chinese team held a meeting for a all day ago setting out for Barcelona for the Olympic Games.中国Chinachina队在去巴塞罗那参加奥林匹克运动会之前开了一整天的会。

7.Barcelona is a team that is always going to create chances, " said the Dane " But I think we had a great gameplan and it worked well.“巴萨是一支一直都会创造出机会的球队,”这位丹麦人说。“但是我认为我们有一个极好的比赛计划,十分奏效。”

8.The opening of the Barcelona-Madrid pne a year ago marked the beginning of the end of airpnes' dominance.一年前巴马线的开通标志着飞行统治地位的终结。

9."It's hard to win the Premier League because our top four sides plus Barcelona probably make up the best five sides in Europe, " he said.“赢得英超冠军是很困难的,因为英超四强加上巴塞罗那是欧洲最好的五支球队,”他说道。

10.We've heard people even suggest with a straight face Barcelona would collapse in the face of meaty challenges and a reducer or two.我们甚至听到有人认为巴塞罗那也会在这支充斥着肌肉力量的球队面前崩溃。