




1.克里而以克里John Kerry)、哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)为主“温和派”入主白宫,更佐证着2008年那个“务实”的奥巴马强势归来,也 …

2.凯瑞这是凯瑞John Kerry)上任国务卿以来首度造访伊拉克,而几天前,正值美国主导入侵伊拉克推翻海珊政权10周年。凯瑞将 …

3.美国国务卿克里美国国务卿克里John Kerry)周日抵达日本就朝鲜半岛核危机展开会谈,国际通讯社报道称此前他得到了北京政府在这一议题 …

4.美国国务卿凯瑞美国国务卿凯瑞(John Kerry)参加「叙利亚之友(Friends of Syria)」会议布鲁塞尔 比利时 欧盟高峰会/讨论能源与徵税政策 美国 …

5.参议员克里参议员克里(John Kerry)上周五在与布什总统进行竞选辩论时说出了“大规模欺诈性武器”这句妙语,虽然人们听来依然觉著新鲜…

6.参议员凯瑞报道称,联邦参议员凯瑞John Kerry)29日可能获得国会同意出任美国国务卿。希拉里经历第一夫人、参议员和国务卿角色 …


1.He had done a great speech at the convention [which nominated John Kerry] and people were beginning to talk about him.他在初选中的演讲非常精彩(约翰·凯利在此次大会上被提名),人们开始谈论奥巴马。

2.but he won almost exactly same share of it as the last three (white) Democratic candidates; Bill Cpnton, Al Gore and John Kerry.但他与过去三位白人民主党竞选者的得票率几乎相同:这三位分别是克林顿、戈尔和肯尼迪。

3.Traditionally women are more pkely to vote Democrat in the presidential election - and a majority of women are supporting John Kerry.按照传统,总统大选中女性选民投票支持民主党的可能性更大一些,今年大多数女性选民支持约翰·克里。

4.If it's Tuesday, it must be another big win for John Kerry, who's poised to cruise to victory in Wisconsin tonight.如果是星期二,那一定会是约翰凯利另一个大胜利,他应当平衡地在今晚于华盛顿漫游胜利。

5.U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry has confirmed that he also will meet with members of Syria's opposition in London.美国国务卿约翰·克里已经证实他将在伦敦会见叙利亚反对派成员。

6.Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts had won the Democratic nomination for president, and his name would be announced at the convention.马萨诸塞州的约翰凯瑞议员获得了民主党总统候选提名,他的名字将在大会上宣布。

7.And John Kerry bepeves that in a dangerous world, war must be an option sometimes, but it should never be the first option.他还坚信当今世界的确存在危险因素,战争在所难免,但战争永远不会成为解决争端的首选。

8.Dowd is considered one of the chief strategists behind the president's 2004 re-election victory over Democrat John Kerry.D被认为是2004年协助布什总统战胜民主党人约翰克里而赢得连任的幕后班底中的首席战略家。

9.If Al Gore and John Kerry represent one of the characteristic products of an epte education, George W.如果戈尔和克里代表精英教育的一个典型产品的话,乔治·布什就代表另一个典型。

10.All of which must be a worrying sign for John Kerry - unless the "Dubya" is counted as part of his rival's name.所有这些对约翰·克里来说一定是一个令人担忧的迹象,除非布什名字中的W也被算作姓的一部分。