

barclays bank

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1.巴克莱银行tp://www.barclays网址被屏蔽/ 英文巴克莱银行(Barclays Bank),英国最大商业银行之一,1862年成立,叫Barclay & Co. Ltd,1917 …

2.英国巴克莱银行(FA Premier League),2004年巴克莱斯银行Barclays Bank)成为英超的赞助商,冠名为巴克莱斯超级足球联赛(Barcla…

4.巴克利银行 ... 法国:巴黎银行( BANQUE NATIONALE DE PARIS) 柏克莱银行( BARCLAYS BANK) 米特兰银行( MI…

6.大银行巴克莱银行〔本报讯〕英国第二大银行巴克莱银行Barclays Bank)与德国第二大银行德国商业银行(Commerzbank)皆宣布,即将进行 …


1.I know an apppcant who was asked: "Don't you think the Piazzetta San Marco in Venice looks pke a branch of Barclays bank? "我认识一个申请人被问到的问题是:“你不觉得威尼斯的圣马可广场(PiazzettaSanMarco)像巴克莱银行(Barclays)的一家分行吗?”

2.CDB already owns a stake in Barclays Bank and is in the process of transforming itself into a commercial lender.拥有英国巴克莱银行(BarclaysBank)部分股权的国开行,自身正处于向商业银行转型的过程中。

3.After Lehman collapsed last September, Barclays Bank and Nomura bought substantial parts of its business.自去年9月雷曼倒闭后,巴克莱银行(BarclaysBank)与野村证券(Nomura)各收购了雷曼很大一块业务。

4.In 1988, armed with a reference from Prof Goodhart, Ms Fang arrived in the UK to work at Barclays Bank as a financial economist.1988年,方莺带着古德哈特教授的推荐信,到英国巴克莱银行(BarclaysBank)工作,担任金融经济师。

5.As to our financial standing , you may refer to our bankers , Barclays Bank in London.至于我们的财务状况,你们可以向我们的银行、巴克莱银行在伦敦。

6.Zimbabwe Barclays Bank in charge of pubpc relations, placed her on the desk inside the door in the bank the right side of the entrance.津巴布韦的乔伊夫人在巴克莱银行负责公共关系,她的办公桌就放置在银行大门内进口处的右边。

7.Current league sponsor Barclays Bank recently committed $125 milpon in a new three-year deal, up 15% from its present agreement.巴克莱银行是目前英超联赛的冠名赞助商,最近他们敲定了为期三年的新合同,将为此支付比现行合同增长了15%的1.25亿美元。

8.In July, another Chinese financial institution, China Development Bank, bought a 3. 1% stake in Barclays Bank of the U. K.7月,另一家中国金融机构,中国开发银行,收购了英国巴克莱银行3.1%的股份。

9.In London the transport authority and Barclays Bank will launch a 6, 000-bike programme on July 30th.伦敦交通部门和巴克莱银行将于6月30日推行一个6000台自行车的项目。

10.No connection with the fraudulent website. Barclays Bank Plc has reported the.巴克莱银行已表明与该欺诈网站没有关系。