




1.脉冲电场 ... ) Pulse electric field 脉冲电场 ) pulsed electric field 脉冲电场 ) pulsed electric fields 脉冲电场 ...

2.高压脉冲电场高压脉冲电场(pulsed electric field)技术是目前研究人员关注的非热加工技术之一。本文研究了高压脉冲电场技术对橙汁中E.col…

3.高压脉冲电场技术高压脉冲电场技术(pulsed electric field)是一种非热处理技术,它因能对生物细胞的细胞膜造成不可恢复的损伤而可应用于辅助 …


1.In this paper, smoothed particle hydrodynamics method is used to simulate droplet behavior in high-frequency pulsed electric field.本文利用光滑质点流体动力学方法来模拟液滴在高频脉冲电场中的行为。

2.Effects of pulsed electric field(PEF)treatment on particle properties of powder phosphatides dispersion system were studied.本文研究了高强脉冲电场(PEF)对磷脂水溶液分散体系颗粒性质的影响。

3.The results showed that sago starch was damaged after treated at pulsed electric field.结果表明:经过脉冲电场处理后的西米淀粉,其淀粉颗粒遭到不同程度的破坏;

4.Methods and apparatus are provided for multi-vessel neurornodulation, e. g. , via a pulsed electric field.本发明提供例如经由脉冲电场进行多脉管神经调制的方法和装置。

5.Non-thermal Effects in a Pulsed Electric Field and Its Apppcation to Pasteurization of Fluid Foods脉冲电场的非热效应及在液态食品处理中的应用

6.A Quaptative Study of In Vivo Pulsed Electric Field Distribution Model in Rabbit Liver Tissues活体兔肝中脉冲电场分布模型的定性实验研究

7.Study of Non-Thermal Microorganism Inactivation by Pulsed Electric Field脉冲电场非热杀菌效果分析

8.Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Pulsed Electric Field's Part Parameter on Milk's Steripzation Ratio脉冲电场部分参数对牛乳灭菌效率影响的试验分析

9.The Experimental Study of Electroporation of Cell Membrane Induced by Pulsed Electric Field of High Intensity强脉冲电场致细胞膜电穿孔的实验研究

10.Dosimetry Study on Irreversible Electrical Breakdown of Rabbit Liver Tissue Under Steep Pulsed Electric Field陡脉冲致兔肝组织不可逆性电击穿的量效关系