




1.中阴ilam)、净光(Ozer)、迁识(Phowa),中阴救度Bardo),以上合称「内密六瑜珈(six inner yoga)」或「六法」。


1.I intend to send my combust ancestors for a full bardo and pfe review beyond death that did not occur and within the aurora of earth.我意愿将我自我焚化的祖先送到地球极光中进行一个死后的中阴身及生活完全回顾,那是当时并没有进行的。

2.I thank each of you for the many blessings that poured through my fellow map carvers due to my sharing of my experience of bardo.我感谢你们每个人由于我对中阴身的分享,而通过我的地图绘制者同胞所源源流淌的诸多祝福。

3.I'll get a pttle more of this young man's history from him before I take him to Bardo Bardi .在我把个年轻人带到巴多·巴迪那里去之前,我要设法多了解一些他的事。

4.In the bardo, she began to review and complete with all her ties unto the physical plane.在中阴身中,她开始回顾和结束她在物质层上的所有束缚。

5.There are many lessons that occur in Bardo that cannot be understood in any other way.“中阴”期间会有许多课程,这是以任何其他方式均无法被理解的。

6.each human goes into a period of pfe review following death known as Bardo .每一人类死后都会进入所知为“中阴”的生命回顾期。

7.As midnight approached at Bardo one weekend early this summer, I had to bob and weave among the 100 people squeezed in its two main rooms.今年初夏的一个周末,当午夜降临的时候,巴都的两个大厅里挤满了100位客人,我只能在他们中间弯弯曲曲地绕行。

8.In March, Sandra adopted a baby boy from New Orleans and is now a single parent to son Louis Bardo Bullock.同年3月,桑德拉从新奥尔良领养了一个男婴,现为该男孩路易斯·巴尔多·布洛克的单亲妈妈。

9.No other excuse was needed to Bardo and Romola than saying simply that he had been unexpectedly hindered.对巴尔多和摩罗拉,用不着别的借口,只要简单地说逢到了意外的事耽误了就行。

10.He leaned forward and said to Bardo in a low, emphatic tone.他把身子俯下,用低低的着重的语气对巴尔多说。