




1.收租日 ... ) daily rental rate 日租率 ) rent day 收租日 ) diem basis 按日租凭 ...

2.交租日 ... ) On Hire 起租 ) rent day 交租日 ) daily rental rate 日租率 ...

3.租金付款日 ... date of payment 付款日期 rent day 租金付款日 ready cash 日内照价付现,付现款;现 …


1.Carrie remembered this with a start. Where to get the money? She had none laid up for such an emergency. Rent day was drawing near.嘉莉想起这事吃了一惊。去哪里弄这一笔钱呢?她没有积蓄能应付这种急需,付房租的日子又快到了。

2.The rascals knew that yesterday was my rent day; they thought to have me cleverly.这些坏蛋知道昨天是我收租的日子,他们想巧妙地算计我。

3.With the idea thus grounded, rent day approaching, and clothes calpng for instant purchase, she soon found excuse in Hurstwood's lassitude.这样打定了这个主意之后,随着付房租的日子的临近,加上购置行头又迫在眉睫,她很快就从赫斯渥的没精打采上找到了借口。

4.There were impending more comppcations rent day and more extension of the credit system in the neighbourhood.付房租的日子临头时的麻烦更多了,在附近买东西的赊帐范围也更广了。

5.Passengers can also rent day rooms with a kitchen and wake-up call service.乘客还可以租到带厨房和唤醒服务的房间。

6.As rent day approached, an idea grew in him.当付房租的日子快到的时候,他心里产生了一个念头。

7.Yeah, I need my loot by rent day是的,我需要抢劫赚钱来租用每一天