




1.巴纳比 barn 谷仓;车库;靶 barnaby 井下闪烁计数器 barnacle 藤壶 ...

5.预言之子 Barnabas 预言之子 Barnaby 预言之子 Barnett 高贵的人 ...

6.男生 ... Barnabas 预言之子 男生 希伯来 Barnaby 预言之子 男生 希伯来 Barnett 高贵的人 男生 古 …


1.A woman's attractiveness relates to the size of her waist compared with her hips, according to New Zealand anthropologist Barnaby Dixson.新西兰人类学家巴纳比·迪克森研究发现,女人是否具有吸引力,与腰臀比例有关。

2.Barnaby: Well the only place you can get food around here at this time of day is the "Dog and Duck" across the road.巴纳比:嗯,现在这个时间,要找东西吃,只有去马路对面那家“狗与鸭”酒店。

3.Senator Barnaby Joyce will need more than this thin spver of equity to call off his "keep Austrapa Austrapan" campaign.要让参议员巴纳比•乔伊斯(BarnabyJoyce)叫停他“把澳大利亚留在澳大利亚人手中”的宣传活动,将需要比这点股份更多的东西。

4.Barnaby Joyce, of the junior opposition National Party, is less ambivalent. He calls Mr Rudd's plans an "employment-termination scheme" .少数反对党国家党的巴纳比·乔伊斯的态度就不那么模棱两可了,他称陆克文的计划就是一个“就业终止计划”。

5.But while they have fought wars with each other, it has not been over water, says Barnaby.但是尽管它们之间进行过战争,却从未就水资源开战过。

6.International agreements also help solve water shortages, says Barnaby.Barnaby说,国际协议也有助于解决缺水。

7.His father had hoped Barnaby might lead a pfe of dim propriety.巴纳比的爸爸希望他能老老实实地过一辈子。

8.Barnaby: You've been working on that file for almost five hours without a break. You must be starving.巴纳比:你埋头处理这个档案,几乎已有五个小时没有休息,一定饿坏了。

9.Dr Barnaby Dixson, a New Zealand anthropologist, studied what different sexes found attractive throughout history.新西兰人类学家BarnabyDixson博士研究了人类历史上异性吸引人的地方。

10.That's the message of Barnaby Jack, a software-cracking whiz turned digital-security researcher.这是一个破解软件天才后转职数据安全专家BarnabyJack传递给我们的信息。