


美式发音: ['skɪnə] 英式发音: ['skɪnə]






n.1.somebody who skins animals, or deals in animal skins2.somebody who creates software to change the appearance of images on a computer screen3.a driver of a team of mules

1.斯金纳 【二中!】二中、哎呦、我去 LLJbaby 剥皮者 SKINNER _______俊小虽 rt ...

8.坚拿神学家使坚拿Skinner)考察之,认为「圣殿迷信」原属先知传统的一部分。2原来对当时犹大王国人民,从以赛亚先知所得 …


1.Long-time McDonald's man Jim Cantalupo came out of retirement to run the company and elevated Skinner to vice chairman.长期以来,麦当劳大佬吉姆坎塔卢坡出现了退休的迹象但仍经营公司,还提拔斯金纳为副主席。

2.Outgoing chairman Paul Skinner did not rule out a compromise deal to appease shareholders angry at being shut out from the fundraising.卸任主席保罗.斯金纳不排除采取折衷的方法,来平息股东们因被排除在集资行动外而燃起的怒火。

3.SCULLY feels frantically under the floormat . SKINNER holds up the car keys for her to see .史高丽在垫子下面感觉很疯狂。斯金纳拿起汽车钥匙给她看。

4.Skinner didn't stop her, instead turning to the franchisee to ask him how hard it would be to put on a tie.斯金纳没有阻止她,而是转向那位特许经营者,问他带上领结是多难的事吗?

5.DOGGETT looks at him a moment, then indicates for SKINNER to walk apart with him. Two manly-men talking about manly things.道根看了他一会儿,之后是一斯金纳走开。两个男的在讨论事情。

6."Skinner found that if they were kept just a bit underfed, the birds would work tirelessly for their reward, " Humphries notes.韩福瑞斯写道,「史金纳发现,处于饥饿状态的鸽子,会不断努力争取食物奖励。」

7.As she is about to react, "SKINNER" grabs her around the throat and fpngs her across the room where she crashes into a glass wall.当她要做出反应的时候,“斯金纳”抓起她的喉咙,把她扔过房间撞碎了一面玻璃墙。

8.SKINNER glares at him as CRANE hands over the phone log, a spght smile of disbepef on his pps. He reads the document and hands it back.当克雷恩把电话几乎拿过来的时候,斯金纳盯着他看,一个怀疑的轻微的微笑在他嘴边。他看了看文档之后还了回去。

9.An SUV pulls up beside the other trucks. SKINNER is driving. SCULLY gets out of the passenger side and walks up to DOGGETT.一辆SUV听到了其他卡车的旁边。斯金纳在开车。史高丽从乘客位置下车走向道根。

10.Emphasis on the word "now" . SKINNER and SCULLY start to leave. KERSH takes off his glasses and faces them.强调“现在”这个词。斯金纳和史高丽开始离开。克什摘下眼镜开着他们。