


美式发音: [ˈbɑrnzp] 英式发音: [ˈbɑ:nzp]



un.1.industrial city in South Yorkshire, northern England.

1.巴恩斯利otball Club)是位于英格兰北部南约克郡的巴恩斯利Barnsley)的职业足球队,现时在英格兰足球冠军联赛比赛。

2.巴恩斯利队 Aston Villa 阿斯顿维拉队 Barnsley 巴恩斯利队 Birmingham City 伯明翰城队 ...

3.班士尼镇作。」 时值傍晚,英国约克郡(Yorkshire)班士尼镇Barnsley)生意最忙的一家药房的后厅中,戴雅各(James Taylor) …

4.班士利 哈德斯菲尔德 Huddersfield Town 班士利 Barnsley 联赛积分 www.raooo网址被屏蔽 ...

5.巴恩斯里 班佛酒店 Banff 巴恩斯利酒店 Barnsley 巴西尔登酒店 Basildon ...

8.班士利镇全国矿工联盟的总部位於约克郡的班士利镇Barnsley),距离伦敦约200公里,该处本是煤矿重镇,全盛时期有过百个煤矿。 …


1.As Barnsley, his teacher, once put it, a rural artisan simply had to do his best.正如他的导师班士利有一回说的,乡村艺术家只是应该要克尽职守;

2.In other words, random numbers generated over and over using Barnsley's Fern formula ultimately produce a unique fern-shaped object.换句话说,就是重复利用巴恩斯利蕨类公式所产生的随机数可以形成一个蕨类形状的独特物体。

3.Rafa Benitez admits it could be too much of a risk to select Fernando Torres against Barnsley on Saturday.拉法贝尼特斯承认周六对阵巴恩斯利上托雷斯会冒很大的风险。

4.Liverpool winger Adam Hammill wants to prove himself at Anfield, but has not ruled out a return to Barnsley next season.利物浦边锋亚当-哈米尔需要在安菲尔德证明自己,但是也不排除下赛季回到巴恩斯利。

5.After previously having spent a period on loan at Barnsley, young Steven decided to try his luck at Swansea.之前曾被租借到巴恩斯利队,年轻的斯蒂文决定去斯旺西队碰碰运气。

6.I don't want to go overboard after one game, but Gabriel Obertan's debut in the Carpng Cup victory over Barnsley was full of promise.我不想从一场比赛中解读太多,但加布里埃尔。奥贝坦在联赛杯的处子秀还是很不错的。

7.Barnsley boss Simon Davey has hailed the signing of young winger Adam Hammill from Liverpool as a 'great coup'.巴恩斯利主教练西蒙-戴维斯已经表示签下利物浦年轻边翼亚当-哈米尔是一次意外的收获。

8.Sam Allardyce will unleash Michael Owen on Championship side Barnsley tomorrow night and insists he has nothing to prove.阿勒代斯表示,他将在联赛杯中首发欧文,他始终相信欧文能够证明自己。

9.Minnows Barnsley and Bristol City remain in the competition, but Rooney would prefer a tussle with Avram Grant's Chelsea.尽管巴恩斯利及布里斯托城等低级别球队仍在参加下一轮足总杯比赛,但是鲁尼更渴望在下轮遇上格兰特的切尔西。

10.He told Barnsley's official website: "Adam is a fantastic prospect and one we are depghted to bring to Oakwell on a permanent basis. "他在巴恩斯利官网表示:“亚当拥有良好的视野,我们非常高兴能够永久把他带到奥克维尔。”