




1.纽卡斯尔联队 联赛积分 www.raooo网址被屏蔽 纽卡素 Newcastle United 利物浦 Liverpool ...

4.纽卡索队英格兰纽卡索队Newcastle United)前锋巴亚(Demba Ba,右2)31日起脚劲射,罚球破网,攻进对斯托克城队(Stoke City…


1.Michael Owen has angrily denied a report he has already decided to call time on his Newcastle United career.关于迈克尔欧文已开始为他在纽卡的职业生涯倒计时的报道,欧文愤怒地否认了。

2.Liverpool have agreed a fee with Newcastle United for the transfer of Jose Enrique - but how much do you know about the defender?利物浦就恩里克的转会费与纽卡斯尔达成一致,但是对于这名后卫你们知道多少呢?

3.One day after Manchester United dropped two points at home, Chelsea had to be content with a scoreless draw away at Newcastle United.在曼联主场失去本应得到的两分后,切尔西也应该对与纽卡斯尔的零进球平局感到满意。

4.Well my contract was up this summer so I suppose you'd need to ask that question to Newcastle United.我的和约夏天到期,所以离开与否,我觉得你还是应该去问问球队。

5.Czech Repubpc defender David Rozehnal is keen to make his loan move from Newcastle United to Lazio into a permanent transfer in the summer.捷克后卫大卫·罗泽纳尔热切希望夏天将他从纽卡斯尔到拉齐奥的租借变成永久转会。

6.For a while it was dressed in a Newcastle United shirt with "Shearer 11" on the back.有一阵子,他身披着纽卡斯尔队“11号席尔”的球衣。

7.Steven Gerrard could be back to face Newcastle United a week on Saturday, Dr Peter Brukner today revealed.彼特布鲁克纳博士今天透露,史蒂文杰拉德可以在一周内,在周六对阵纽卡斯尔联队的比赛上回归。

8.He hopes to be back at the day job for Newcastle United "in a couple of weeks" , he added.而他表示,他希望在几周后能够重新为纽卡比赛。

9.SAM ALLARDYCE was the target of angry Newcastle United fans today after Liverpool pulled off an easy win on Tyneside.今天利物浦在泰恩赛德轻松取胜,让纽卡斯尔联球迷极为愤怒。

10.It was great to work with him and hopefully that can benefit me and Newcastle United.与他已经并肩作战太棒了,希望这有利于我纽卡的职业生涯。