




1.马上回来 back on topic 回到主题上来 be right back 马上回来 by the way 顺便说一句 ...

2.很快回来 (talk to you later) 下次再说。 (be right back) 很快回来。也就是 (just kidding) 开玩笑,别当真。 ...

3.马上就回来 INT:intellect— 智力 BRB:be right back. 马上就回来 BRT:Be right there. 马上就到. ...

4.很快就回来 TTYL:Talk To You Later-- 一会再跟你说 BRB:Be Right Back-- 很快就回来 CYA:See you-- 再见 ...

5.立刻回来 BTW:By the way = 说起来… BRB:Be right back = 走开一下, 立刻回来 CU:See you = 再见 ...

6.马上会来 ... atk=attack 进攻 brb=be right back马上会来,主要是跟附近队友通知你要离开支援或是 b=back 退后 ...

7.马上回来的意思 bot: bottom, 下路 brb: Be Right Back马上回来的意思 CD: CoolDown, 冷却时 …


1."Well, now, " said the lady, "with a pttle girl pke you waiting for her, I'm sure she'll be right back. "“哦,是这样,”陌生的女士说,“有你这样一个小姑娘等着她,我敢肯定她很快就会回来的。”

2."I'll be right back with that, " she assured him with another unnecessary smile.“马上为您送到。”她用另一个火辣辣的微笑向他保证道。

3."They said: " The moment you rest, we'll be right back.他们说:“你先休息一会儿,我们马上就回来。”

4.If this persists, they're going to be right back in it going south again in July and August.如果石油持续泄漏,它们在七月和八月南下再次回到墨西哥湾的时候,还会碰上石油泄漏。

5.It's too early to talk about where the title is going, but if we beat Chelsea we'll be right back in there.谈论冠军归属还为时过早,但是如果我们击败切尔西,我们将会重回冠军争夺行列。

6.But I'm thinking, "I'll be right back in a couple of days, dropping her off. "但是我又会想“过两天又要送她来机场了”

7.SERVER: Alright, I'll go put in your order. And I'll be right back with your drinks and your plates for the salad bar.好的,我这就去做准备。马上把你们的饮料和装沙拉用的盘子拿来。

8.Third, since the tariffs are meant only to provide temporary repef from import surges, we will be right back here in a few years.再者,由于这些关税只是想暂时解决进口激增问题,几年后我们将面临完全相同的局面。

9.And I'll quickly get on this. - Okay. I'll be right back with it.我想尽快拿到手好的,我马上回来

10.Katie! Oh my God. . . great to see you. Thanks, everybody. We'll be right back. We'll be right back.凯蒂!哦,上帝啊…见到你真是太高兴了。-谢谢大家,我们马上就回来,我们马上就回来。