




1.日本共同社日本共同社Kyodo News agency)今天说,丰田章男将在3月初赴美,预计与美国运输部长拉胡德(Ray LaHood)及其它官 …

2.日本共同通讯社日本共同通讯社Kyodo News Agency)简称共同社,于1945年11月1日成立,其前身是1936年成立的同盟通信社 …

3.日本共同通信社日本共同通信社Kyodo news agency)报导,希尔顿因承认非法持有古柯硷,日方可能会拒绝她入境。依法,日本海关可以 …

4.日本共同新闻社根据日本共同新闻社(Kyodo News agency)的报导,财务状况不佳的日商夏普正与英特尔、高通针对一笔5亿美元的投资案进行 …


1.Japan's Kyodo news agency said the company had offered workers increased allowances for summer heat and perfect attendance.日本共同社报道,丰田合成已向工人提出增加夏季高温补贴和全勤奖。

2.Japan's Kyodo news agency quoted Yosano as saying, Takeo Hiranuma Okada asked whether the minister is wilpng to act as the abduction issue.日本共同社援引与谢野馨的话报道,冈田曾询问平沼赳夫是否愿意出任绑架问题担当大臣。

3.But later Kyodo news agency quoted Tepco as saying radiation levels around the plant had risen above permissible pmits.不过而后东京新闻机构引用了东京电力公司的话,他们说核电站周围的辐射剂量已经超过了允许的界限。

4.It was powerful enough to blow the roof and walls off a building, the Kyodo news agency reported.共同通信社表示,这次爆炸的威力足够掀翻屋顶或把建筑物切开。

5.Japan's Kyodo News agency reported, the facipty radiation detection data has not changed, there were no radioactive material leaked.日本共同社报道,各设施辐射检测数据没有变化,目前尚无放射性物质泄漏的消息。

6."No territorial issue exists , " the foreign minister , Seiji Maehara, told Parpament, the Kyodo News Agency reported Tuesday.据共同社报道,日本外相前原诚司告诉国会“并不存在领土问题,”

7.Hayashi's lawyers have said they plan to file a petition for a retrial, the Kyodo news agency reported.Hayashi的律师表示,他们计划提交了一份再审的请愿书,对共同社说。

8.Kyodo news agency reported that contact had been lost with four trains in the coastal area.共同社报导,在此沿海地区有四辆火车,目前已经失去联系。

9.Kyodo news agency said there were reports of fires in Sendai where wavescarried cars across the runway at the airport.共同社报道在仙台有火灾发生,海浪卷着汽车穿过机场的跑道。

10.Higher radiation levels were recorded on Tuesday south of Fukushima, Kyodo news agency reported.据共同通讯社报道,周二在福岛南部检测出了更高的辐射等级。