




1.小熊 熊- bear 小熊- bear cub 小熊星座- Ursa Minor. ...

2.熊崽 蓝泻湖 Blue Lagoon 幼熊 Bear Cub 红宝石马天尼 Ruby Martini ...

5.熊哥叔叔 【大佬爱美丽/ Enter the Phoenix 【熊哥叔叔Cachorro/ Bear cub 【新亚力山大帝/ Alexan…

7.熊仔道ER BOWL)与SYMPHONY BOWL,还有熊仔道BEAR CUB)旁不知名的两条森林天然小U槽,黑梳山长达10.5公里的冰 …


1.A bear cub in Florida, which had a plastic jar stuck on its head for at least 10 days, has now been freed, BBC reported.据英国广播公司报道,美国佛罗里达州的一只小熊脑袋卡在塑料罐中十余日后,终于获救。

2.Photo of the Day: Animal Mothers and Babies A polar bear cub lets his mother know he's ready to nurse.动物的妈妈和婴儿们。一只北极熊幼兽偎依在他的妈妈知道需要护理他。

3.He created a pttle stuffed bear cub and put it in his shop window with a sign that read "Teddy's bear. "他创造了一个小填充幼熊,然后将它放在店内的橱窗,在它的旁边放了一个告示:「泰迪的熊」。

4.Walking along in a lonesome glen, I had come across a bear cub separated from its mother.一次我走在幽深的峡谷中,碰到一只和母亲分开的小熊崽。

5.A polar bear cub plays near his mother at the Moscow Zoo.在莫斯科动物园里,一只小北极熊在他妈妈身边嬉耍。

6.A black bear cub from Canada named Winnipeg (nickname "Winnie" ) became the inspiration for the stories of Winnie-the-Poohwritten by A.来自加拿大的一只名叫温尼伯(昵称维尼)的黑熊幼崽是故事《Winnie-the-Pooh》的灵感来源。

7.A northern black bear cub was caught wandering near a Northern Virginia elementary school.一个在北维吉尼亚小学附近的徘徊的北方黑色幼熊被抓获。

8.A Brooklyn store owner, Morris Michtom, saw the drawing of Roosevelt and the bear cub and was inspired to create a new toy.一个住在布鲁克林区的店主人米德姆(MorrisMichtom)受到那幅罗斯福及幼熊的插画启发,因而创造了一个新玩具。

9.A three-month-old polar bear cub finds comfort in its mother's warmth.三个月大的北极熊幼崽在妈妈温暖的怀里感到很舒适。

10.A three-month-old bear cub who was born at the zoo in Stavropol, Russia, takes a walk.三个月大的小熊崽在散步。它出生于俄罗斯,斯塔夫罗波尔动物园。