




1.美丽时光 ⒉坚持 Insist ⒊美丽时光(毕业歌) Beautiful Time ⒋十二点 Love of The Clock ...

2.美好时光 ... 大益之恋-浪漫时光( Romance Time) 大益之恋-美好时光Beautiful Time) 大益之恋-清逸时光( Brisknes…

3.动人心弦的美好时光续剧的夫夫主人公,给了我们共聚一处,济济一堂,这些动人心弦的美好时光Beautiful Time),在此专门记载一下,也让 …

4.美好的片段 ... 建筑 architecture 美好的片段 Beautiful time 台湾老东西/ Taiwanese old stuff ...

5.鲜艳韶华 ... 2 坚持 Insist 3 鲜艳韶华(结业歌) Beautiful Time 4 十二点 Love of The Clock ...

6.坪多请问一下这个吸音板的效果??一坪多(~~☆Beautiful time☆~~)很赞的东西,一般建材行有吗?有基本(Art) 您的部落格很有特色喔!

7.早会 (2) 学生表扬早会(Beautiful Time)定期举行,以表扬学生的「好人好事」。 这活动富激励性。


1.Autumn is a beautiful time of the year. Its cooler temperatures make it more comfortable to be outdoors, and the fresh air is exhilarating.秋季是一年之中非常美丽的季节,秋高气爽,心旷神怡,非常适宜户外活动。

2.I don't know what I hide how much, so silent love you for a long time, and in my most beautiful time.我不知道我究竟隐藏了多少,才如此寂静的喜欢了你好久好久,而且是在我最美的时光。

3.Christmas is such a wonderful, beautiful time. It's a time for giving and being thankful for friends and family.圣诞节是一个美好的节日,是为家人和朋友付出,并且向他们表示感激的日子。

4.Our college pfe will be the most beautiful time that this flower opens, will be this dazzpng moment!但我们的大学四年会是这花儿开的最美丽的时刻,会是这惊鸿最绚烂的一瞬!

5.At this ripe old age of 30, I've been thinking a lot about what it means to grow up in this horrible, beautiful time.在三十而立之年,我思考了许多在这个恐怖并美好的年代,成年人意味着什么。

6.Youth men will not complain of their bright youth. The beautiful time for them is precious, even if it is accompanied with various violence.少年人不会抱怨自己如花似锦的青春,美丽的年华对他们来说是珍贵的,哪怕它带着各式各样的风暴。

7.Autumn is the most beautiful time of San Tan Yin Yue, especially in the Mid autumn night.秋天是三潭印月最美的时节,尤其是在中秋之夜。

8.If the body carrying camera perhaps the camera, pat this beautiful time, is pfelong unforgettable.若随身携带像机或是摄像机,拍下这美丽时刻,更是终身难忘。

9.In your owner romantic space, hope you enjoy the beautiful time and with the most sincere wishes, we hope you happiness.在属于您的浪漫空间里,度过这美好的时光!我们将为您送上最真诚的祝福,愿您美满、幸福。

10.During the beautiful time, our friendship, safe and sound.在美好的时光里,我们的友情,安然无恙。