




1.京杭大运河 其他 Others 京杭大运河 Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal 灵隐寺 Lingyin Temple ...

2.杭州位于京杭大运河 ... 京杭运河 Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal 大运河 a big canal ...


1.But that's exactly what over a month of severe drought in Shangdong province has caused along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.但那正是山东省经历了一个月的严重旱灾后在京杭大运河沿岸形成的现象。

2.The Northern Canal is an important segment of the Beijing-Hangzhou grand canal, the three provinces and cities along the northern connected.北运河是京杭大运河的重要区段,其沿岸连接着北方三省市。

3.Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, passing through and have done, is southeast of Hebei important trade and commerce, transport to land.京杭大运河穿境而过,是冀东南重要的商贸、交通要地。

4.After the North Canal was abandoned, cities along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal have become China's most vitapty economic regions.北方运河废弃以后,京杭大运河沿岸成为中国最有经济活力的地区。

5.Renowned at home and abroad of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and had to wear Scenic Area.驰名中外的京杭大运河穿风景区而过。

6.Botou ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is a major commercial port, business and trade industry is developed.泊头自古就是京杭大运河畔一大商埠,商贸业发达。

7.South Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the west salt Nanjing high-speed, land and water transportation is convenient.南濒京杭大运河,西接宁盐高速,水陆交通便捷。

8.Since then, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal recpne alone where no one is interested.从此,京杭大运河孤零零地横卧在那里,无人问津。

9.The city is cut by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal from north to south.京杭大运河纵贯苏州南北,交通十分方便。

10.Since ancient times, there are floods, droughts and the pier, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal longitudinal throughout.自古有水旱码头之称,京杭大运河纵贯全境。