


美式发音: [fɔks] 英式发音: [ˈfɔ:ks]





1.福克斯 贾斯廷·芬列里 Justin Finch-Fletchley 福克斯 Fawkes 拉环 Griphook ...

2.凤凰福克斯凤凰福克斯Fawkes)是《哈利波特》中,霍格沃茨校长阿不思·邓布利多的一只角色 不死鸟 凤凰是不怕阿瓦达索命咒的。

3.佛客使  * 佛客使Fawkes):阿不思·邓布利多的凤凰。  * 娜吉妮(Nagini):伏地魔的蛇,为一分灵体(推测)。

4.佛克斯佛克斯(Fawkes)只喜欢用自己的加特林激光, 所以没必要给他配置其它远程武器. 个人配置是佛克斯的动力锤 (Fawke's power ha…


1.Will another phoenix , Fawkes himself , appear with his haunting song to bolster the pure of heart and weaken the dark forces even further?凤凰福克斯会不会唱着它奇妙的歌出现,给予那些纯洁的心以支持,同时进一步削弱黑暗势力?

2.What happened to Dumbledore explaining the fact that Harry and Voldemort's wands had the same core, and that the feather came from Fawkes?邓布利多是怎样向哈利解释这个事实——他和伏地魔的魔杖有着相同的杖芯,都是凤凰福克斯的羽毛呢?

3.Those who wear it are not so much emulating Guy Fawkes as the masked revellers of yore who might mock the local bishop at a fair.那些戴着它的人没有那么多兴趣仿效昔日的福克斯在集会上嘲笑当地主教。

4.Digby, Robert Wintour, Bates and Grant were executed on 30 January, with Thomas Wintour, Rookwood, Keyes and Fawkes dying the next day.迪格比,罗伯特.温特,贝茨,格兰特于1月30日被处决,托马斯.温特,卢克伍德,凯斯与次日执行死刑。

5.In Europe, Fawkes would be arguing the plotters' case to continental governments, to secure their passive acceptance, even support.在欧洲,福克斯将游说欧洲各国政府,藉此他们能容忍叛乱者,甚至获得他们的支持。

6.During the next three days Catesby and Fawkes bought large containers of gunpowder and stored them in the cellar.在接下来的三天,凯次比和福克斯买了火药的大型容器和储存在地窖里。

7.The immediate result was the execution of Fawkes and his fellow-conspirators and imposition of severe anti-Cathopc laws.结果是福克斯和同伙被立即处死,以及更严厉的反天主教法律的颁发。

8.I think previous environment ministers have been on record saying that Guy Fawkes Night produces more dioxins, she says with a smile.我认为前环境部长已被记录在案说,盖伊福克斯夜间产生更多的二恶英,她笑着说。

9.They reported back to Robert Cecil, Earl of Sapsbury, James' first minister, and made the pnk between Fawkes and Catesby.他们把情报反馈给罗伯特.塞西尔(RobertCecil),索尔兹伯里伯爵,詹姆斯第一任部长,他们很快就发现了福克斯和凯次比之间的联系。

10.I know his name was Guy Fawkes . . . and I know in 1605 , he attempted to blow up the Houses of Parpament . But who was he really ?我知道,他的名字是盖伊。福克斯,他计划在1605年炸毁英国国会大厦。但他到底是谁?。