




1.北京时间 BEST/best/ 最好的 BJT/Beijing time/ 北京时间 BK/break/ 插入,打断 ...

2.以下时间为北京时间 ... VOR 俄罗斯之声 (Beijing Time以下时间为北京时间 0:00-01:00 13840khz & 11550khz 对南 …

3.北京时间翻译是不是 2011-11-01 北京时间翻译是不是 Beijing time 1 2013-03-14 英语翻译:他们什么时间穿好衣服? What time do they ___ ___ …

4.北京播出时间 国际标准时间 UTC 北京播出时间 Beijing Time 千赫 KHz ...

5.中国北京标准时间 ... 中国北京标准时间 Beijing Time 所选择国家的时间 Time for all countries ...

6.星期六 ... 联系我们 Contact Us BEIJING TIME 星期六 TEM Cross-section sample preparation TEM 截 …

7.星期一 ... 联系我们 Contact Us BEIJING TIME 星期一 TEM Cross-section sample preparation TEM 截面制 …


1.The last of the trapped were expected to reach the surface by midday today, Beijing time.最后的几名矿工预备在北京时间的正午获救。

2.The Insurance Period shall be defined in terms of Beijing time.保险期间的界定以北京时间为准。

3.China's biggest dating website, fell on its first day of trading at the Nasdaq stock exchange early Thursday Beijing time.北京时间12日凌晨,国内最大婚恋网站世纪佳缘在美国纳斯达克首日上市遭破发。

4.Beijing time on Feburary 20, yahoo plan pubpshes to increase in the pght of all employee leave one's post compensation plan.北京时间2月20日,雅虎计划针对所有员工出台一项增强离职补偿计划。

5.To get adjusted, Lonely Planet travel guide author David Eimer says, "Set your watch to Beijing time when you board the plane. "得适当做些调整,《孤独的行星》旅游指导的作者大卫。艾默说,“当你起飞的时候,把你的手表调成北京时间。”

6.Beijing Time in many places along the upper stream of China's longest river of the Yangtze.在第一长河——长江的上游地区均可观测。

7.Then on the Eve of the New Year, the navy put their clocks one more hour behind and saluted the New Year at 3 am Beijing Time.新年前夕,在印度洋,海军编队又向后调了1小时,在北京时间凌晨3点迎接了属于他们的新年。

8.The UN Security Council has adopted the resolution on DPRK missile launching unanimously on July 16th, Beijing Time.北京时间7月16日,联合国安理会就朝鲜试射导弹问题一致通过决议。

9.The China Earthquake Networks Center says a 4. 6-magnitude earthquake jolted Turpan, in eastern part of Xinjiang, at noon Beijing Time.据中国地震台网中心报道,北京时间中午时分,新疆东部的吐鲁番市发生4.6级地震。

10.Spain triumphed with a 1-0 victory over Germany to win the 2008 European Championship Monday morning (Beijing Time).北京时间30日凌晨举行的08欧洲杯决赛中,西班牙1-0击败对手德国队,在期待了44年之后再度问鼎欧洲杯。