




1.摘花 弹钢琴 play the piano 摘花 pick flowers 捡钱包 pick up a wallet ...

2.采花 on the beach 在沙滩上 pick flowers 摘花,采花 fly home 乘飞机回家 ...

3.攀折花木 ... bone to pick 对某人不满;与某人起争端 pick flowers 攀折花木 pick up the goods 提货 ...

4.小便 ... make love to 和...做爱(较正式) pick flowers 小便 rape 强奸 ...


1.There was a notice not to pick flowers but nobody seemed to pay much attention to it for they picked them all the same.有块牌子提示不要摘花,但是似乎没人注意到这点,因为他们还是照样摘着花。

2.That man bepeve that he is a wealthy princess lover, he even goes gladly to pick flowers for her in winter.那个疯子认为自己有个有钱的公主女友,他在冬天的时候还高兴地去为她采花。

3.People prefer a few female character's name, such as: empty cicada, Pennsylvania, flowers, not pick flowers scattered in the boat, float.个人比较喜爱几个女性人物的名字,如:空蝉,夕颜,花散里,未摘花,浮舟。

4.Once saw a pair of about forty years away husband and wife, love to pick flowers, purple hands are exquisite chocolate party.曾经就看到一对年约四十开外的夫妻,恩爱地挑选着鲜花,手里是一方紫色精致的巧克力。

5.Pick flowers for your partner from the side of the road.在路边采一支花送给你的恋人。

6.Do not trample on grass, not randomly pick flowers, not break and cpmb trees, plant more trees and flowers.做到不践踏绿地,不随意采摘花草,不攀爬折断树木,多植树种花等。

7.Then, a busy harvest starts. Timing is very important, therefore, flower planters must pick flowers around the clock and distilled extract.萃取液。紧接着是忙碌的采收工作开始了,掌握时间很重要,因此,花农们必须夜以继日地采割花朵,并蒸馏

8.I cpmbed down the bank to pick flowers.我自河堤爬下去摘花。

9.Pick flowers and savour them, as you pass along the way.在你们一起走过的路上,摘一些花朵来欣赏。

10.They will impose a fine on anyone who should pick flowers at will.随便摘花的人会被罚款。