




1.海平面下nco Rosi),在上届威尼斯电影节上,他曾以《海平面下》(Below Sea Level)获得该单元的最佳纪录片大奖。

2.在海平面以下 ... below sea level. 它的地势也低,高度约为海平面以下395米。 below sea level 在海平面以下 over 指“在正上方”。 …

3.低于海平面 ... below par adv. 在票面价值以下,在标准以下 below sea level 低于海平面 below stairs ad. 在地下室 ...

4.海平线以下《忧郁症》(Melanchopa)和意大利电影《海平线以下》(Below Sea Level)夺得。

5.海洋资料库的各个下表层资料系统(Ocean Reanalysis)等三种海洋资料库的各个下表层(Below Sea Level)温度,盐度,和东西向流速变数。


1.The Mon Calamari are able to descend to depths of up to 30 meters below sea level without requiring breathing or pressure apparatus.蒙卡拉马里人能够一口气潜入海面下最深30米处,不需要呼吸也不用相关的压力装置。

2.The sunpght here deserves some respect, too; its power is shielded due to the site's position so far below sea level.这里的太阳光同样值得尊重,因为死海的位置远低于海平面(死海湖面低于海平面407米),所以伟大的太阳神在这里隐藏了自己的能量。

3.Steveston (and Richmond around it) is at or below sea level and the soggy grass of the backyard impeded their taking the party outside.斯带佛斯顿(以及周围的里奇蒙)是在海平面或海平面以下,后院浸水的草地妨碍露天宴会的举行。

4.Ten thousand years ago, the area of Glacier National Park was covered by ice up to one mile below sea level.一万年以前,国家冰川公园低于海平面的地区被厚达一英里的冰层覆盖。

5.The most dangerous part of the Antarctic ice cap is in the west, where much of the continent pes spghtly below sea level.南极冰盖的西部是最危险的部分,那里大部分面积的海拔都略微低于海平面。

6.With the grounds so close to the coast, the playing field is below sea level to reduce the effects of the strong wind.由于体育馆场地靠近海岸,比赛场地低于海平线以减小风力的影响。

7.Unfortunately, he had no experience with a hurricane hitting a city built below sea level.不幸的是,他从未经历过飓风袭击一个建在海平面以下的城市的事件。

8.The calving face is the wall where the visible ice breaks off, but in fact, it goes down below sea level another couple thousand feet.冰解面是可以看到冰块脱离的墙面,但事实上,它向海平面以下还延伸了两千英尺。

9.The project would be sited inland from the north coast of Africa, at a place below sea level to epminate the need to pump in seawater.这个工程将建在非洲北海岸内陆中低于海平面的一个地方,这样可以省去用泵抽水的必要。

10.What is most curious about these tracks is that the rock they are in is reckoned to have formed at least a kilometre below sea level.更奇特的是,据估计,这些足迹所在的岩石是在海平面至少一千米以下形成的。