




1.你还是你 City in Circle 圈中的城市 You Are Still You 你还是你 soundsmakers 造音异代 ...

2.仍然是你接纳你对她的欲望,但是要意识到无论发生什么事情,你仍然是你you are still you),这就是所有你需要的东西。


1.Dare not out awkward and shyly, suppress the ground have no kick left. Then, I not only ask you: You are still you?涩涩地不敢出来,仄仄地提不起精神来。然后,我不仅要问你:你还是你吗?

2.You are still you. But we're both Eurotrash milponaires.你还是你。但是我们都是败家子百万富翁。

3.If we don't meet each other, I'm still me, you are still you, just we miss the most beautiful adventure of our pfe.假如人生不曾相遇,我还是我,你依然是你,只是错过了人生最绚丽的奇遇。

4.Perhaps inadvertently look back, I still me, you are still you, but you have turned this casual I 's unique landscape.也许下个不经意间的回首,我还是我,你还是你,可是你却变成了这个不经意的我地独有风景。

5.If pfe never meet, I'm still me, you are still you.假如人生不曾相遇,我还是我,你依然是你。

6.i am still me, i have been here. you are still you, you have to leave here;我还是我,我一直在这里。你还是你,你已经离开这里;