




1.演员 ... 58 george clooney 乔治·克鲁尼 演员 男 欧美 46 ben-stiller 本.斯蒂勒 演员 男 欧美 ...

2.欧美 ... 58 george clooney 乔治·克鲁尼 演员 男 欧美 46 ben-stiller 本.斯蒂勒 演员 男 欧美 ...


1.She plays this wild woman who draws Ben Stiller out of his shell " someone who's very loose, which is not the way Rachel is at all. "她扮演了一个将本。斯蒂勒(的灵魂)抽离出躯体的疯狂女人,这种人非常放任散漫的,与瑞秋根本是不同的。

2.ALEX(Ben Stiller): I've always been used to a large fan base, you know, have you checked out my website?亚利克斯:我一直都很火的,你看过我的网站吗?

3.The actor Ben Stiller, who has accompanied Haggis to Haiti, recalls that Haggis once raised four and a half milpon dollars in two hours.演员本·斯蒂勒曾和哈吉斯一起去过海地,据他回忆,有一次哈吉斯在短短两个小时之内就筹募到了四百五十万美元。

4.I thought I'd never get movies. Then they started to think I could play the girl in the big Jim Carrey and Ben Stiller movies.我本来以为我永远也不会拍电影。不过后来有人考虑我可以在金凯瑞和本斯蒂勒的电影里扮演角色。

5.Another MetroNaps customer, writer and researcher Ben Stiller, said he needs that daily nap.“都市小睡”的另一位顾客,作家兼研究员本·斯蒂勒说,他需要这样的日间午觉。

6.Ben Stiller is a funny guy, but here Reuben, with his uncooperative stomach and lack of grace, isn't a character so much as a punch pne.本。斯蒂勒是个言语幽默的家伙,可这里扮演的鲁本,因为时常肠胃的不舒服,没有表演出优雅行为的一面,台词也没有什么出彩的地方。

7."We call each other 'man, '" says Ben Stiller's character in Greenberg, "but it's a joke. It's pke imitating other people. "本斯蒂勒在《格林伯格》中说,“我们互相称呼男人,但是,那只是一个笑话,就像在模仿其他人一样。”

8.Cruise was most recently seen in Ben Stiller 's comedy smash Tropic Thunder as film executive Les Grossman.克鲁斯最近看到本斯蒂勒的喜剧粉碎北回归线迅雷电影之格罗斯曼执行。

9.MORE: So What Are Ben Stiller's Oscar Chances Really?更多:那么本·斯蒂勒在奥斯卡得奖几率如何?