




1.去观光 46.rush hours 高峰期 47.go sightseeing 去观光 48.be air,by plane 乘飞机 ...

2.去观光旅行 *go native 入乡随俗 *go sightseeing 去观光旅行 *gold medal 金牌 ...

3.出去观光 59.lack of awareness of time’s passage 不能意识到时光的流逝 60.go sightseeing 出去观光 51.take the lead 起带头作用 ...

4.游览 go skating 滑雪 go sightseeing 游览 He leaned over to the desk. 他俯身爬在课桌上。 ...

5.去观光旅游 go hunting 去打猎, go sightseeing 去观光旅游, go hiking 去徒步旅行 ...

6.观光旅游招待 用餐招待 Banquet 观光旅游招待 Go sightseeing 送客 Say goodbye ...

7.去观光游览 · be short of money 缺钱 · go sightseeing 去观光游览 · sign an agreement 签一份协议 ...


1.You see, we've arranged a free afternoon for you, in case you'd pke to pay a visit to some old friends or go sightseeing around the town.我们为您留了一个下午自由支配,你可以会会老友,或者到城里逛逛。

2.Kai: Unfortunately, we didn't have the time to do anything in the city or to go sightseeing yet.戒:很可惜,我们并没有时间在这城市到处观光。

3.It was a very hot day so I put on some shorts and a T-shirt to go sightseeing.天气非常炎热,所以我穿上了短裤和T恤去观光。

4.The long course will give you plenty of free time to go sightseeing, but you might not learn Engpsh very quickly.时间长的课程会给你大量自由支配的时间去观光游览,但你不可能很快学会英语。

5.We plan to go sightseeing and that could take some time. I'd prefer a daily rental.我们打算去观光,可能需要汽车一段时间,我选择日租。

6.We are going to shopping , travel on foot , go sightseeing, go fishing, go for a walk, take photos and go boating.我们将去购物去徒步旅行去观光去钓鱼去散步照相和划船

7.If you have no plans for next Saturday, shall we GO sightseeing and shopping around the city?如果你下星期六没有安排,我们到市区逛街买东西好吗?

8.Their initial plan was to take the students to go sightseeing in the city on the day of their arrival.他们最初的计划就是在他们到达那天带学生去城里观光。

9.We also invite them to dinner, go sightseeing along the Great Wall, those days are really very happy.我们也邀请他们去家里吃饭,一同去观光长城,那些日子真的很开心。

10.The traffic is happy, the geographical position is superior, is the best choices of staying of persons who go sightseeing of exchanges .交通舒畅,地理位置优越,是往来观光游览者下榻的最佳选择。