


美式发音: [ˈbeəˌwʊlf] 英式发音: [ˈbeɪəˌwʊlf]





n.1.an anonymous Old Engpsh epic poem of the eighth century describing the exploits of the hero Beowulf, in particular his slaying of the monster Grendel and Grendel's mother

1.贝奥武夫们读英国文学的源头——12世纪用古英语创作的史诗《贝尔沃夫》(Beowulf),这是一个英雄与野兽搏斗的故事;然后, …

6.贝奥伍夫    另外《银河英雄传说》中米达麦亚旗舰Beiowolf/Beowulf狼来源于古代英国长篇英雄叙事诗《贝奥伍夫Beowulf)》中的主角 …

7.裴欧沃夫名字由来:在英国传说中登场的英雄“裴欧沃夫Beowulf)”所属:融合形态 适应领域:VB(病毒克星) 资料: 辉二用人型斗 …


1.The example that is often trotted out is from Beowulf where the kenning "whale road" is used to mean the sea.一个被反复提及的例子出现在《贝奥武甫》里,书中用“鲸鱼之路”来借代海洋。

2.All of the warriors are afraid of him except for Beowulf .除了贝武夫以外,所有的战士都畏惧着牠。

3.But when they saw a portable Beowulf cluster called at a conference in October 2005, they began to think about building their system.但在2005年10月份的一个研讨会上,当他们看到一套叫LittleFe的便携式的Beowulf集群时,他们开始思考组建他们自己的系统。

4.Results show that this Beowulf system could run with high speedup ratio and parallel efficiency.结果表明:该系统能够达到非常高的并行加速比和并行效率。

5.Beowulf is a warrior who sails from his home, Geatland (Sweden), to Denmark to kill a man-eating monster named Grendel.贝奥武夫是一名勇士,为消灭吃人怪兽格兰戴尔,从故乡基特兰(瑞典)乘风破浪来到丹麦。

6.Beowulf : What do you know of me. . . Demon?贝奥武夫:你是怎麽知道我的……魔鬼?

7.Several written works have survived from the Old Engpsh period. Perhaps the most famous is called Beowulf .在从古英语时代流传下来的一些著作中,最著名的或许就是《比奥武夫》。

8.Beowulf: I found you, seed of Sparda! I told you that I remember your rancid scent! No matter where you run to, you can never hide from me!贝尔渥夫:我找到你了,斯巴达的种!我告诉过你我记得你身上的味道!无论你逃到哪,都不能在我面前隐身。

9.GS: I don't know if you guys have seen BEOWULF or not but the 3D. . . the stereoscopic aspect experience, I thought it was awesome.人:我不知道如果你们这些家伙看到贝奥武夫或不是,但…三维立体方面的经验,我认为这真是太美妙了。

10.Two years ago, Paramount Pictures screened a piece of "Beowulf" in 3-D here. But that occurred only in a small, preconvention preview.两年前,派拉蒙影视公司在这里放映3D影片《贝奥武夫》,但实际上只放了一小段预览。