



美式发音: [bɑrk] 英式发音: [bɑː(r)k]




第三人称单数:barks  现在分词:barking  过去式:barked  同义词







v.1.to make the short loud sound that a dog makes2.to say or shout something in a loud angry voice3.to accidentally knock a hard part of your body such as your shin or knuckles against something, and tear some skin off

n.1.the hard substance that covers a tree2.the short loud sound that a dog makes

na.1.The variant of barque

1.狗吠 ... firm 坚定的 barks 吠叫 pyjamas 睡衣裤 ...

4.不吠叫 F4:Meows 喵喵叫 F2:ØBarks 不吠叫 F1:Dog 是狗 ...

5.咆哮 ... brilpance n. 光辉, 显赫, 鲜明 barks n. 树皮, 吠声v.吠, 咆哮, 剥树皮 equally adv. 相等地, 平等地, 公平地 ...

6.狗吠声 4. 木类( woods) 5. 皮类( barks) • 根茎类( rhizomes) ...


1.Every time I try to ask him what part of the cow the meat comes from he just smiles and barks pke a dog.每次我试图打听这肉来自牛身体的哪部分时,他都只是微笑并且学着狗叫。

2.The dog looks so ferocious when it barks that the postman gives it a wide berth.那条狗狂吠时看上去很凶恶,邮差对它敬而远之。

3.The stuffed dog barks as if it is a real one.这个狗标本叫起来像真狗似的。

4.Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out. After this he immediately lets himself in and begins barking again.这之后他就坐下汪汪叫起来,直到有人来把它放出去。出去之后,它又马上把自己放进来,接着再开始叫。

5.A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.狗在主人被攻击时会狂吠,而我若见到上帝的真理被攻击,却保持沉默的话,就是一个懦夫了。

6.She whacks the offenders over the head with a sizable branch or barks at them in a shrill voice until they leave her alone.牠会以相当粗的树枝敲侵犯者的头,或以尖锐的声音对牠们大叫,直到牠们走开为止。

7.Should they think about cases where the neighbor's dog barks and the door opens to let a skunk in from the backyard?他们应该考虑因邻居的狗叫打开门而让它从后院进入的情况吗?

8.They will do so only if you beg for it pke a dog that stands up on its hind legs and barks for a piece of meat.你得求他们,像狗用后腿站立着吠叫乞求一块肉那样求他,他才肯给你。

9.Disgusted with the din of barks, I picked up a stone from the ground and threw it right at him.我讨厌这种纠缠不清的叫声。我在地上拾起一块石子,就对准狗打过去。

10.India is ruled by an impotent eunch that barks when his mistress sais so. Do not expect tough talk from the spineless eunch.印度被一帮性无能的妻管严统治着,别指望这些家伙能硬起来。