




1.伯克利 ROCK 摇滚 Berklee 伯克利出品 funk 放克 ...

6.美国波士顿伯克利张弘毅,凭著美国波士顿伯克利BERKLEE)电影音乐作曲的学历,第一次让巴乌在「玉卿嫂」里说话,那个声音,随著「玉 …

7.波士顿百克里在这一集的教学里,波士顿百克里(Berklee)音乐学院贝斯名师Joe Santerre(乔‧圣德尔)将由浅入深地讲解电贝斯线条的演奏原理…

8.毕业於美国百克里以优异成绩(Magna Cum Laude)毕业於美国百克里(Berklee)音乐学院,师事Joe Lovano等名师,回国后受邀参与各类音乐演出 …


1.Berklee student David Chapman says for some of the Kenyans, it was the first time to see and touch such instruments.伯克利的学生大卫查普曼说,一些肯尼亚人,这是第一次看到并触摸这些文书。

2.Berklee student David Chapman says, for some of the Kenyans, it was their first time seeing and touching such instruments.伯克利的学生大卫查普曼说,一些肯尼亚人,这是他们第一次看到并触摸这些文书。

3.Berklee professor fuses music and psychology to help heal the mind, body, and spirit.伯克利教授融合音乐与心理学来帮助治疗心智、身体和精神。

4.She was offered her first recording contract while still attending Berklee.她提供了她的第一张唱片合约,同时仍然参加了伯克利。

5.Q. As chairperson and founder of the music therapy department at Berklee College of Music, would you explain what music therapy is?作为波克丽音乐学院音乐治疗系的主任和音乐疗法的创始人,您可以解释一下什么是音乐疗法么?

6.After high school, Kelly attended the prestigious Berklee College of Music, and after graduation in 2002 returned to Manhattan.高中毕业后,凯利出席了声望伯克利音乐学院,并于2002年毕业后返回曼哈顿。

7.He went on to do a Master's at Boston's world renowned Berklee College of Music.毕业后在世界闻名的波士顿伯克利音乐学院进行深造,并获取了硕士学位。

8.But passing up Ivy prestige for the chance to pursue his passion, attended Wilpams College and the Berklee College of Music.但是为了追逐他的梦想,他走出了常春藤联盟,而加入了威廉姆斯学院和伯克利音乐学院。

9.AKHEYLAH HUNTER: "We performed in different places pke at Berklee College of Music. "我们在不同的地方演出,就像在伯克利音乐学院一样。

10.For Berklee's Daniel Carpn, "The Artist" is a film composer's dream.伯克利音乐学院的丹尼尔•卡林指出,《艺术家》是一部关于作曲家梦想的电影。