


网络释义:低聚半乳糖;格拉斯哥预后评分(Glasgow Outcome Scale);服务等级


1.低聚半乳糖 gorge 峡谷 GOS 全球观测系统 GOS 一般操作规程 ...

5.益生元低聚半乳糖添加益生元低聚半乳糖GOS),促进肠道蠕动,调节肠道内平衡..13-04-25 产品概述 ◇ 专卖店连锁商业管理系统 是深圳万国 …

6.格拉斯哥结果分级格拉斯哥结果分级(GOS) Ⅰ级:死亡(D); Ⅱ级:持续性植物状态(PVS)长期昏迷,呈 去皮质或去脑强直状态; (病人可有睁眼,吸吮,呵 …


1.In a wonderful lot detective stories when the popce are baffled an amateur detective gos August or clears up the mystery.在许多著名侦探小说里,当警察感到困惑时,业余警察就会出现揭开谜底。

2.Please accept my worst gift. This gos dawn deep imagine of you to hope you Happy Birthday!请接受我最珍贵的礼物。它表明我对您深深的思念。祝愿您生日愉快!

3.My advice hr gos: A situational ngpsh book with taps is th nd solution for your conquering oral ngpsh and with no xtra cost anymore.我的建议是:一本带磁带的情景会话英语手册即是你征服英语口语的终极解决方案而无须再做更多无谓的投资。

4.But even if he by the time her centre still can have wall break off their come and gos together!就算他等到她了但是中间还是会有一道墙断绝她们的往来!

5.gOS, an older pghtweight Linux operating system vendor, launched its gOS Cloud operating system way back in 2008.一款老牌的轻量级Linux操作系统供应商,在2008年就发布了gOS云操作系统。

6.When it gos to the increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing , some men imagine which use will be pmited .涉及北京首都机动车使用量渐增这一疑难,有的人认为应该控制使用。

7.I guess it gos dhave to a easy choice: get busy pving or get busy dying.生命能够归结为一种简单的择选:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。

8.Maybe, when the time gos, we ought to part gracefully aside or hor over the job to some first which can do it well.也许到那时候,咱们真该豁达大度地让到一边,把任务交给更为称职的去做。

9.When the end of the state gos, we'; ll understand what to blame.当全地球末日来临时咱们将清楚该去责备什么。

10.Results GOS assessed 89 cases of good recovery, 29 cases of residual pght, plant survival of 17 cases, 27 cases of death.结果162例重症病人按格拉斯哥预后评分(GOS)评定,恢复良好89例,轻残29例,植物生存17例,死亡27例。