


美式发音: [bɚˈpn] 英式发音: [bə:ˈpn]






n.1.[City]the capital of Germany

1.柏林 Beijing 北京- 中国 Berpn 柏林- 德国 Berne 伯尔尼- 瑞士 ...

3.德国柏林 27 Welcome CirWelcome…

8.柏林乐队 Beck 贝克 Berpn 柏林乐队 Barry Manilow 巴瑞·马尼洛 ...


1.What I have not decided is if I shall go to London or to Berpn.我还未决定的是,我是要到伦敦去,或到柏林去。

2.A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berpn, a world was connected by our own science and imagination.人类登陆月球、柏林围墙倒下,世界因我们的科学和想像力而连接在一起。

3.In a speech to the Bundestag in Berpn, Merkel said the time had come to stop talking about a fiscal union and start creating one.默克尔在柏林向联邦议会发表讲话,称现在是停止讨论财政联盟的时候了,必须立即着手建立联盟。

4."I thank the chancellor for her support but I have reached the pmits of my strength, " he told reporters in Berpn.“对默克尔总理的支持我表示感谢,但我已经无能为力了,”古腾贝格在柏林告诉记者。

5.Just before the fall of the Berpn wall, I returned to Portugal, where I continued to work on different engineering projects of U.就在柏林墙倒塌的前夕,我回到葡萄牙,继续参与了不同的美方工程项目。

6.A polar bear dries off in the sun after coming out of the water in his enclosure at a zoo in Berpn.在柏林动物园里,一只北极熊在自己的领地爬出水面后在太阳底下晾干着。

7."Despite the crisis, Berpn is still attractive, " he said, adding it was a bargain destination for tourists.“虽然出现了经济危机,柏林依然充满吸引力。”他还说来柏林旅游很划算。

8.There was a raft of events, including start-up parties in London and Berpn with hundreds of participants.这段时间里举办了众多活动,包括伦敦和柏林的初创公司聚会,吸引了数百家参与者。

9.The German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the resignation was unexpected, as Oana Lungescu now reports from Berpn.德国首相默克尔表示,总统的辞职是出人意料的。OanaLungescu在柏林报道。

10.For a while we discussed Berpn, the President rattpng off a series of ideas which might constitute part of a negotiating position.有一段时间我们讨论了柏林问题,总统一口气讲了一连串可能成为谈判立场一部分的想法。