




1.更好的未来 ... 13. gold / silver coins 金币/银币 1. better future 更好的未来 5. an old small hut 一间又旧又小的茅草屋 ...

2.让未来更美好 ... Better Futures,Better Future (期货,让未来更美好) From Future To Future, 未来从期货 …


1."We will continue to be a supportive partner to the peoples of both countries as they seek a better future, " she said.她说:“在两国人民争取更美好未来的过程中,我们将继续是支持他们的伙伴。”

2.China stands ready to join hands with all countries to build an even better future for the generations to come.中国愿同各国携手努力,共同为子孙后代创造更加美好的未来!

3.he's trying to tell you between the pnes that he cares about you and wants you to work harder so that you can have a better future.他其实是在告诉你他很关心你,想让你好好努力,有一个更好的未来

4.Can we stop spending our energy on such news for a week and concentrate on anti corruption struggle for the sake of a better future?我们能不能不要再在这类新闻上花这么多的时间和精力了呢?为了一个美好的未来,还是花点力气在反腐败斗争上吧!

5.He said the protesters are seeking a better future for themselves and their country.他说,抗议者正在为他们自己和他们的国家寻求一个更加美好的未来。

6.Even if that better future is often an illusion, optimism has clear benefits in the present.即使更好的未来常常只是幻想,乐观主义在当前也有明显的益处。

7.Once more, we've seen the incredible potential for technology to empower citizens and the dignity of those who stand up for a better future.而且,我们已经看到了技术在给民众授权和给期待美好未来的民众尊严过程中发挥出了难以置信的潜力。

8.Beijing Shihan Technological Co. , Ltd is wilpng to cooperate with you to create a mutual better future.北京世韩科技公司愿与您携手共创更美好的未来。

9.Now Feng works as a salesman in a wedding dress company in Suzhou. He's on his way to creating a better future for his mom.现在,冯英龙在苏州一家婚纱公司当销售员。他正在为让母亲将来过上好日子而努力。

10.But he said Wednesday that after what he called six "difficult and painful" years, Iraqis can look forward to a better future.但是他星期三表示,在他所说的艰难困苦的六年后,伊拉克人终于可以展望更美好的未来。