




1.如果你需要我 ... Shouldn't have let you know 不该让你知道 If you need me 如果你需要我 I'll come right there 我将会出现 ...

2.若你需要我 若你需要我,就呼唤我 If you need me,call me 不论你身在何方 No matter where you are ...

3.只要你需要我 ... Shouldn't have let you know 不该让你知道 If you need me 只要你需要我 I'll come running 我会随时出现在你身旁 ...


1.So I'm just going to pe low and if you need me, please be understanding if I'm a bit grumpy today.所以我打算潜伏起来,如果你需要我,请理解如果我有一点乖戾。

2.He's sort of stepped into an I'm here if you need me role, and in the playoffs. . . we're going to need him.他现在是那种“我在这,如果你需要我的话”类型的角色了,在季后赛我们将会需要他。

3.Take a chance on me. If you need me, let me know, gonna be around.相信我吧,如果你需要我,请让我知道,我会挺身而出。

4.that I'm there for you if you need me to be.如果你需要我就在这里

5.Remember that I'm right down in the hall if you need me tonight .不过记住,如果今晚需要我,我就在楼下大厅里。

6.let me know if you need me to pick you up a tux.要是需要我帮你选礼服就告诉我一声。

7.You bet. Let me know if you need me to do it again.没问题.需要我再帮你看小孩时,通知我。

8.If you need me, I'm going to notify Queen Catherine . We'll deal with the body later.你需要我,而我正要去通知凯瑟琳太后,我们稍候再谈处理尸体的事。

9.It's only a few blocks away, so if you need me I can be back here in no time.离这里只有几个街口,你要找我的话,我很快就能回来

10.If you need me, I'll be in my fuzzy turtleneck with a bowl of cereal staring out the kitchen window.如果你需要或是想起我,我会穿着我那件粗糙的毛衣,端着一碗麦片,站在厨房的窗边向外凝视。