

Big Mac

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1.大麦克e.g. 大麦克 (Big-Mac) 餐, 大约是八块. 包含汉堡薯条跟饮料.如果普通在外面吃一餐,大约都差不多十块钱.4.如果你有当地朋友在 …


1.Indeed, it's as futile as trying to counter a daily Big Mac diet and a pack-a-day smoking habit with a daily jog, scientists say.科学家表示,实际上,这就好比每天慢跑无法抵消每天吃一个巨无霸汉堡包(BigMac)和抽一包烟的习惯带来的害处一样。

2.A MONTH ago we asked if you could tell us how much a Big Mac costs where you pve, to compile a crowdsourced version of our Big Mac index.一个月以前,我们向读者询问了他们居住地巨无霸的价格,目的是编写一份巨无霸指数的众包版本。

3.Our rough-and-ready Big Mac index calculated in July that the franc was as much as 98% overvalued against the dollar.我们粗略估计7月份的巨无霸指数,瑞士法郎对美元被高估了高达98%。

4.The top chart shows a strong positive relationship between the dollar price of a Big Mac and GDP per person.上面的表格表明了一个巨无霸的价格和人均GDP之间的强烈的正相关关系。

5.Yet the Big Mac index has become a global standard, included in several economic textbooks and the subject of at least 20 academic studies.然而如今巨无霸指标已经成为国际的一个标准,被数个经济读本引用还成为至少20个学术研究的课题。

6.Advice: When udo have to swim in Croc infested waters then take along a few big Mac's and when a Croc strikes throw them down its gullet!忠告:当你不得不在鳄鱼滋生的水域游泳时,要记得带上几个大汉堡,当鳄鱼袭击你时,就把汉堡包塞到它们的喉咙里。

7.Women can munch their way into a bigger dress size in weeks by "auto-eating" the calorie equivalent of a Big Mac a day.如果每天机械地吃进去相当于一个巨无霸汉堡那麽多的热量,女人们的身材可以在几周内就加大一号。

8.A year ago the pound was overvalued by more than a quarter on the Big Mac gauge.一年前,以巨无霸指数衡量英镑被高估超过25%。

9.Statisticians cannot stop at the Big Mac but must work out both the contents and the price of a representative basket of goods.统计人员不能止步于巨无霸汉堡包,他们必须计算出一篮子具有代表性的商品的构成和价格。

10.Studies suggest that the Big Mac index fairly closely tracks the purchasing-power-parity rates calculated by more sophisticated methods.研究表明,购买力平价率是由精密的方法算出,巨无霸指数可时刻跟踪这些数据。