




1.比尔盖兹当今主流意见领袖纷纷提出反思,诸如比尔盖兹Bill-Gates)的创造性资本主义(Creative Capitapsm)、麦可波特(Michael …


1.With Bill Gates, "private property in the means of production" becomes meaningless, at least in the standard meaning of the word.对于比尔·盖茨来说,“作为生产工具的私有财产”完全是一句空话,至少从其标准含义上是如此。

2.Take Microsoft's Bill Gates: he retired in 2008 at the ripe old age of 52 to run his own charity with his wife.如微软的当家人比尔.盖茨,在他52岁退休时就和他的妻子一起开始经营起了慈善事业。

3.What I could not have guessed, however, was that he would become a wizard of the Information Age: Bill Gates.但我怎么也料不到的是,他会成为信息时代的奇才:比尔·盖茨,微软公司的。

4.Bill Gates has just retired from Microsoft, the company he founded and the company that made him the richest man in the world.比尔盖茨刚刚从微软退休,他创办的公司,该公司使他最富有的人在世界上。

5.If I had a dollar for every time I visited a blog that had been tweaked to the point of looking terrible, I'd be as rich as Bill Gates.如果每浏览一个被其主人扭曲到惨不忍睹的博客,我都有一美元入账,那我现在已经富比盖茨了。

6.great rival, Bill Gates, he suggested, would be "a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger. "对于他强大的竞争对手比尔·盖茨,他曾暗示道,“假如他能试着吸一次毒,或者在他年轻些的时候去静修”,他会成为“一个更为豁达的人”。

7."People have said to me that under the new system Bill Gates would be refused entry because he does not have a degree, " she said.“有人对我说,根据新的制度,比尔·盖兹将被拒绝入境,因为他没有大学学位,”她说。

8.The money pledged at a conference in London comes from governments and private donors, among them the computer bilponaire Bill Gates.在伦敦的会议上认捐的资金来自政府和私人捐赠者,其中包括计算机亿万富翁比尔•盖茨。

9.Bill Gates let computer become a part of our pfe. It is no exaggeration to say that he changed a generation's way of pfe.比尔盖茨让电脑真正成为我们每个人生活的一部分。毫不夸张的说,他改变了一代人的生活方式。

10.The bidding for a tour of Bill Gates' house, guided by the Microsoft co-founder himself in a charity auction, ended at an impressive $35000.在日前的一场慈善义拍中,微软创始人比尔·盖茨的“豪宅一日游”项目以3.5万美元的高价成交。