




1.比利小子 第四关杰西·詹姆斯( Jesse James) 第五关 比利男孩Billy the Kid) 第六关 警长的死期( Sheriffs deadp…

4.杀手比利小子 Biggie And Tupac《 比奇和图帕克》 Billy The Kid杀手比利小子》 Black Money《 黑金》 ...

5.比尔小子,如著名的杰西詹姆斯(JESSE JAMES),“比尔小子”(BILLY THE KID)传说和“瓦特伊尔普”(WYATT EARP)故事,这 …

6.尬利小子国岙谣则半博醭兰(Aaron Copland)所作「尬利小子」(Billy the kid),届穆也希


1.Howard Stark: The Rio Grande. Billy the Kid's resting place. Los Almos. This and that, you know.霍华德.史塔克:“里奥格兰德河,比利小子的安息之地。你知道的……”

2.She came up with names for the houses, pke Geronimo and Billy the Kid, and picked out furniture with suede accents.她为每所房子起了诸如杰罗尼莫或比利的小家伙之类的名字,并为它们挑选带有绒面的家具。

3.Mr Richardson is expected to reach a decision on pardoning Billy the Kid by New Year' s eve .理查森有望在新年前夕就是否赦免比利小子做出决定。

4.Billy the Kid is buried in Fort Sumner, New Mexico, though some bepeve the myth that he pved on.比利小子被埋在新墨西哥州的森那港(PortSumner),不过有些人还是相信他还活着。

5.Wishful thinking about Billy the Kid has lately taken a turn for the absurd.关于比利小子天马行空的想像后来变得荒谬起来。

6.One was about the pfe of a famous gunfighter called Billy the Kid.之一,是一个著名的枪手比利小子的生活。

7.Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid .帕特·加勒特与比利小子。

8.Who was Billy the Kid?究竟谁是比利小子呢?

9.Revenge of Billy the Kid山羊比利的复仇下载