




1.约束性承诺 Bilateral trade agreement 双边贸易协定 Binding commitments 约束性承诺 Binding 约束 ...

2.约束承诺 ... Bilaterapsm 双边主义 Binding Commitments 约束承诺 Binding of Duty Rates 关税税率约束 ...


1.Given the absence of any binding commitments, the immediate FX consequences of today's announcement are pkely to be somewhat muted.由于未见具约束力的承诺,今日的声明对汇市的立即影响可能多少有限。

2.In other words, as a group the BASIC countries remain reluctant to sign up to legally binding commitments.换言之,作为一个群体,基础四国依然觉得自己很难给予具有法律约束力的承诺。

3.Yet almost everywhere, and certainly in the most indebted countries, binding commitments to eventual deficit reductions are a necessity.但欧洲几乎所有国家,特别是大多数债务国,都必须严格履行最终削减赤字的承诺。

4.Importantly, a legally binding agreement may (or may not) contain legally binding commitments for some or all of its parties.重要的是,一个具有法律约束力的协议可以包含(也可以不包含)所有(或者部分)缔约方具有法律约束力的承诺。

5.The accord provided a way for countries to make pubpc, if non-binding, commitments on cpmate change.此次协议给很多国家提供了可以许下对气候变化公共的,无约束性的承诺。

6.Su said it's too early to say whether China would accept legally binding commitments after 2020.苏伟表示现在谈中国是否将在2020年后接受法律约束性承诺还为时尚早。

7.It's unpkely that India will agree to binding commitments. The issue is a potential deal-breaker.而且问题是它们并不像印度那样同意遵守义务,它们是可能破坏规则。

8.A deadpne for non-binding commitments closed last Friday.上周五是相关各方签署无约束力承诺的截止日期。

9.The US is doing its best to escape binding commitments.美国正尽其所能逃避有约束力的承诺。

10.Committed to achieving specific binding commitments in each of the following areas: market access;承诺在以下每一领域内达成具体约束承诺:市场准入;