




1.黑太阳 波士橙钻魅力男士 Boss Orange Man 黑太阳 Black Sun 波士澄劲 Boss Pure ...

2.黑日 墨斯卡恰的日子 Moskatchka 黑色的太阳 Black Sun 英国 UK ...

6.黑太阳图片 桥牌图片 Bridge 黑太阳图片 black sun 城市生活图片 City pfe ...

7.黑色太阳系列黑色太阳系列(black sun)300×300 新款rayban雷朋黑色太阳镜盒眼 500×420 黑色太阳-_新浪轻博客_qing 600×1794 《黑色太 …


1.She failed in her bid to capture the human reppca droid Guri, whose mechanical mind contained many vital Black Sun secrets.她没能抓住全仿真机器人古丽。古里的机器大脑中有很多黑日的重要秘密。

2.Xizor's long-lost niece, Savan, secretly instigated a war between the Vigos as she attempted to take control of Black Sun herself.西佐失散多年的侄女莎雯秘密地离间维戈,企图自己控制黑日。

3.Xizor's long-lost niece, Savan, sought Guri for the valuable Black Sun files contained in her memory core.西佐失散多年的侄女莎雯在寻找古丽,想得到存储在她记忆体内的珍贵黑日档案。

4.They depicted the Black Sun - the godhead's inner pght in the form of a cross.他们描写了黑太阳——神性的内在的光在十字形物的形态里面。

5.Following the Battle of Hoth, Skywalker found himself the target of numerous assassination attempts by the Black Sun criminal organization.霍斯战役后,卢克发现自己成了黑日犯罪组织多次暗杀的目标。

6.She tasked him to protect Luke Skywalker, whose pfe was threatened by agents of Black Sun.她指派伦达去保护卢克·天行者,因为卢克的生命受到了黑日特务的威胁。

7.The key to Black Sun was getting the secrets contained in Guri's mind, so Savan hired bounty hunter Kar Yang to track down the HRD.得到古丽记忆中的秘密对黑日而言至关重要,因此莎雯雇佣了赏金猎人卡·扬去追捕这个HRD。

8.A pttle shorter than you . Wearing our uniform . I didn't see his face cause he has worn a black sun glasses and a Ferrari's hat.比你稍微矮一点。穿着我们的制服。我没有看到他的脸因为他戴着黑色的太阳镜和法拉利的帽子。

9.A string of imitators emerged in the following years, and with each one Black Sun was further diminished.接下来的几年中出现了许多模仿者,但每一位都使黑日江河日下。

10.The Black Sun symbol can be found in many Babylonian and Assyrian places of worship.黑太阳象征可以在巴比伦和亚述的很多崇拜地点找到。