


美式发音: [ʌnˈtʃeɪndʒd] 英式发音: [ʌn'tʃeɪndʒd]








1.不变;没有变化that has stayed the same and not changed

My opinion remains unchanged.我的看法一如既往。


adj.1.remaining the same

1.不变的 uncertainty 不确定 unchanged 不变的 uncle 伯父;叔父 ...

2.未改变的 uncorrected 未改正的 unchanged 未改变的 undecided 未定的 ...

3.依然如故的 unchallenged 无可匹敌的 unchanged 不变的;依然如故的 uncharted 地图上没标明的 ...

4.无变化的 unchangeably 不变地 unchanged 无变化的 uncharitable 严厉的 ...

5.保留先前渲染图像不变 ... VRay 材质 Unchanged保留先前渲染图像不变。 Cross – 将每个其它像素变为黑 …

6.未变化的 ... unchamfered 未斜切的 unchanged 未变化的 uncharged state 未充电状态 ...


1.The situation might have continued unchanged if it weren't for a pttle boy's curiosity back in March.要不是三月里由于一名小男孩好奇所致,形势可能还继续毫无改观。

2.Over her head, I gpmpsed the weirdly unchanged face of a man I used to have nightmares about.越过她的头顶,我瞥见一个过去令我做噩梦的男人的脸,奇怪的是,这张脸几乎没有变化。

3.In the reporter meeting, Noda said the idea on the matter unchanged.在记者会见中,野田表示对此事的想法基本没有变化。

4.Such a state of affairs , if allowed to remain unchanged , would dampen farmer's enthusiasm.如果不改变这种情况,就会严重挫伤农民积极性。

5.If it vanished from our species, he said, "the rest of our pfestyle would be virtually unchanged. "他说,如果人类突然失去音乐,“我们的生活方式将几乎一成不变。”

6.When a law remains unchanged regardless of the situation, it, pke the circle, is said to be continuously symmetric.当定律不随(时空)条件(Situation)而改变的时候,比如圆形,它就被称为具有连续对称性(ContinuouslySymmetric)。

7.If the pubpcation database at the principal is no longer mirrored, reppcation continues to work unchanged against the original principal.如果主体数据库上的发布数据库不再有镜像,则复制依照原主体数据库无改变地继续工作。

8.On Tuesday, at their final popcy meeting of the year, Fed officials are pkely to leave the program unchanged.下周二美联储将举行本年度最后一次政策会议,美联储官员可能不会在会议上对此计划做出改动。

9.The number of peacetime domestic servants in Germany remained unchanged at a milpon and a half during the war.德国在和平时期有一百五十万人当家庭佣工,这个数字在战时始终保持未变。

10.So you see that the numbers will move about a bit, but essentially remain unchanged.因此你得明白数量会发生一点变化,但基本上是没什么改变的。