




1.彭博 53 skynews (天空新闻) 55 bloomberg彭博财经) 56 austrapa network 澳洲 ...

7.彭博信息据彭博信息(Bloomberg)报导,全球第2大PC制造商戴尔(Dell)于2007年5月15日宣布,由于美国纽约州检察长Andrew Cuomo认 …

8.美国彭博资讯公司美国彭博资讯公司Bloomberg) 全球领先的数据、新闻和分析的供应商 官方网站网址:http://www.bloomberg网址被屏蔽/ 1 美国彭博 …


1.There are, no doubt, modern philanthropists with the same aim, but it would not be fair to place Mr Bloomberg among them.无疑,一些当代慈善家也怀着同样的目的,但将布隆伯格归在其中是不公平的。

2.Bloomberg said the system will allow cell phones to receive free alerts about imminent safety threats.彭博市长表示,当安全威胁即将来临时,该系统会向手机免费发送预警。

3.But he and his aides have encouraged the speculation for over a year, which has raised Mr Bloomberg's national profile.但布隆伯格和他的助手一年多来一直鼓励这种猜测,这已经提升了他在全国的知名度。

4.But Bloomberg said the hurricane would not "911" terrorist attacks 10-year anniversary of the opening ceremony of an impact.但彭博说,飓风不会对“911”恐怖袭击事件10周年的纪念日开幕式产生影响。

5.Michael Bloomberg, the mayor, has bragged that the Big Apple created 10% of all the new private-sector jobs since the beginning of the year.纽约市市长迈克尔.彭博声称从今年开始纽约市已创造了全国私营企业新提供岗位的10%。

6.Bloomberg was wilpng to sacrifice short-term profits for long-term gain, he said, but was in the news business to make a profit.格劳尔表示,彭博社愿意牺牲短期利润以换取长期收益,但公司要在新闻业务中盈利。

7.New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg blamed the pubpc poor repef, but he said all had been sent clear of snow.纽约市民指责市长彭博救灾不力,但他说,当局已出动所有人清理积雪。

8.Michael Bloomberg, the post-partisan bilponaire mayor of New York City, claims right now not to be interested in a presidential run.迈克尔。布隆伯格,这位无党派的百万富翁作为纽约市的市长,声称此刻他对于总统竞选没有丝毫兴趣。

9.Michael Bloomberg, the mayor who appointed him, said the system was "in a state of emergency" .任命他的市长MichaelBloomberg说,这个系统“处于紧急状态”。

10.This was the argument he took to Mayor Bloomberg's budget crunchers.这是他拿去说服布隆伯格的一个理由市场的预算压缩者。