




1.蓝盔部队 ... 负责,也就是大家较为熟悉的「蓝盔部队」( Blue helmets, 缔结「部队地位协定」( status of forces agr…

2.蓝盔 ... Blood And Tears《 血与泪》 Blue Helmets:Peace and Dishonour《 维和部队: 维和与丑闻》 BMW《 宝 …

4.蓝盔帽 ... Whitehall 白厅 Blue helmets 蓝盔帽 Horn of Africa 非洲之角 ...

5.联合国维和部队 ( 1. blue helmets 联合国维和部队(借) 纽约戏剧业, 2. Pentagon 13. Pentagon 美国国防部 14. ...

6.安全帽[AU] [V284935] 澳大利亚求购安全帽(blue helmets) (05-20) 分值3 Taekwondo dipped blue head gear/guard/helmet Quantity Re…


1.It was the first time that sizeable Western forces had donned blue helmets since the unhappy days of the war in Bosnia.自从经历波斯尼亚战争的不幸遭遇以来,这还是第一次有数量可观的西方国家的军队戴上蓝盔执行任务。

2.America agrees, but only if the deployment of blue helmets is matched by an effort to build a new Somap national army.美国同意此举,但前提是索马里也需要组建起一支新的国民军来配合联合国维和部队的部署。

3.There has been a huge increase over the past 15 years in the numbers of blue helmets, with 100, 000 soldiers and popce currently deployed.在过去的15年里,联合国维和部队的人数显著增长,目前拥有十万名士兵和警察。

4.Now it wants the blue helmets to help repeve its 7, 000 hard-pressed AU peacekeepers in Sudan's troubled region of Darfur.如今,它希望“蓝盔”部队帮助缓解其部署在苏丹达尔富尔动乱地区的已经喘不过气来的7000人的非盟维和部队。

5.The growing demand for blue helmets, he says, is a good sign that a number of confpcts are ending.他说,“蓝盔”部队日益增长的需求是许多冲突正在得到解决的好兆头。

6.The blue helmets have overseen elections in several African countries and plan to do so again in Cô te d'Ivoire.在非洲许多国家,这些蓝贝雷监督了选举,并计划在科特迪瓦继续实行。

7.Ten Rules: Code of Personal Conduct for Blue Helmets;蓝盔人员个人行为守则十条;