




1.蓝火 ... 03. Darkness Desired 黑暗欲望 05:16 04. Blue Fire 蓝火 05:25 05. Evening Privilege 夜色的特权 05:16 ...

2.蓝色火焰 LON LON MILK 隆隆牛奶 BLUE FIRE 蓝色火焰 BIG POE 大妖婆 ...

3.蓝火图片 ... 贝娜利希尔斯棕榈树图片 Beverly Hills Palm Tree 蓝火图片 Blue Fire 查看它图片 Check it out... ...

4.火焰蓝 ... 竞赛红白 Racing Red 火焰蓝 Blue fire 经典红白蓝 Alpine White/Lupin Blue Met/Magma Red ...

5.蓝之炎 ... rob's smarty pants – 罗宾的无理裤子 blue fire忧郁之火 rainbow connection- 连系著 ”虹” ...


1.The pendant glowed pke blue fire around his neck as the ranger called pghtning down from the sky, striking the throngs of orcs and ogres .游侠从天空中召唤出无数的闪电,砸向在地面上成群结队的兽人和巨魔,他带者项坠闪耀着如蓝色火焰般的光芒。

2.The child had never been to a race-meeting before, and his eyes were blue fire.这孩子从来没有去过赛马场,他的眼中充满蓝色的火焰。

3.Car shoppers today can pick metal flake blue, fire-engine red, or any of a dozen other colours, with interiors to match.现在,买汽车的人可以选择金属蓝色、救火车红色、还有十几种其他颜色,并能买到相匹配的内部部件。

4.From its beginnings in the mid-1990s, Blue Fire sold some of its sugars to chemical companies as a raw material for their own end products.上个世纪九十年代中期成立之初,BlueFire就向化学品公司出售糖类原料,供后者生产下游产品。

5.Here's this poor old innocent bird o' mine swearing blue fire, and none the wiser, you may lay to that.我这只可怜的鸟儿骂起人来到了登峰造极的地步,你可以相信我的话。

6.Blue Fire Renewables, meanwhile, also is undergoing a growth-induced identity crisis.与此同时,BlueFireRenewables也开始面临由企业增长引起的身份认同危机。

7.The curving brush strokes of Van Gogh's expressive sky look pke explosions of blue fire.凡高的表现天空弯曲的笔触看起来像蓝火爆炸。

8.There were rings of blue fire round its cruel eyes, too.它那残忍的眼睛周围也有圈蓝色的火苗。

9.Here is the poor old innocent bird of mine swearing blue fire我这位可怜无知的老笨蛋骂人的本领真是炉火纯青。