




1.对她说 ... 《But Who Are You?》《 但你是谁?》 《Talk to her》《 跟她说话》 《Missions List》《 查看任务 …

6.三则对她说的情话 ... 东京丧波 Tokyo Zombie 三则对她说的情话 3 Digital Short Films by 3 Filmmakers:Talk to Her ...

7.她説  数字董卿:最喜欢的3张碟:《对她説(TALK TO HER)》(西班牙导演阿尔莫多瓦),《西伯利亚理发师》,《毁灭》。  董卿心语:可能 …


1.Iranian officials have denied her access to a lawyer, and for the first month she was not allowed to talk to her family, even on the phone.政府官员拒绝她任何一次接触律师的请求,而且在囚禁第一个月内她被拒绝与家人通话的请求,甚至是一通电话的请求。

2.The existence of such a girl, she can accept other people to talk to her, but rarely talk to others their own inner pain.有这样一个女孩,她总能接受别人对她的倾诉,却极少向别人倾诉自己内心的痛苦。

3.I talk to her, she asked what was the pttle toys from China is what kind of place where the children what kind, etc.我与她交谈,她问起了这只小玩具来自哪,中国又是一个什么样的地方,那里的小朋友是什么样,等等。

4.And I tried to talk to her. It was pke I knew her or something, . It was weird.我想与她聊聊。好像我过去认识她似的。真奇怪。

5.Yeah. After each part of the series I have to talk to her and the other students on the phone, you know, about our ideas.不用,每一部分结束以后,我可以通过电话跟她或别的同学进行交流,你知道是关于我们的想法和心得。

6.she continued to talk to her and endeavor to raise her spirits , in spite of being out of spirits herself.尽管她自己心情不佳,却继续有意地陪她说话,想使她快活起来。

7.She's one of the most loving, caring people I know. No matter what's going on with me, I know I can talk to her, and she would never judge.她是我所认识的最有爱心,最懂得关心别人的人。无论有什么挫折或者蠢事发生在我身上,我知道我都能跟她讲,她从来不会挑剔和批评我。

8.He tried to talk to her to ask if she wanted a job, but she practically ran from the store with the milk.他试图和她交谈,问问她需不需要一份工作。但她几乎是拿着牛奶跑着离开的。

9.Let me talk to her. You know how your mother overreacts.让我跟她谈谈你知道你妈妈总是反应过度的。

10.Zheng Gumei thought she was down with a cold until the doctor told her to wait outside the room so he could talk to her son alone.当医生把郑顾梅的儿子叫进科室单独交谈而让她在门外等着之前,郑顾梅一直认为自己只是感冒。