





1.登机牌 ... 乘客 passengers 登机牌 boarding passes 开始登机 be boarding ...

2.所有参与会议之登机证正本6). 所有参与会议之登机证正本(Boarding Passes)4. 於FIP会期之后,一个月内,需自行投稿药师周刊至少一篇(依据药师周刊规 …


1.Attendant F : Your boarding passes . And your departure card . Please fill it out and hand it in at the Immigration desk.地勤人员:这是您的登机牌。这是您的出境卡。请将填好的出境卡交给移民局出入境检查台。

2.United Airpnes introduced mobile check-in and mobile boarding passes from certain airports in the U. S.最近,美联航(UnitedAirpnes)在美国的数个机场引进了手机值机和手机登机牌服务。

3.Onpne check-in allows you to print boarding passes and head straight for departures.你可以在网上登记打印登机牌,到机场后就可以直接登机。

4.Kiosks can be used to check in for fpghts, print boarding passes, select or change seats, and check bags.亭可以用来检查,在飞行上打印登机牌,选择或改变座位,并检查袋。

5.The biggest challenge, says Finnair, is the airport authorities' requirements for paper boarding passes at the airport service points.芬兰航空表示,最大的挑战是机场管理局要求在机场服务口必须有纸质登机牌。

6.GS : Okay, here are your boarding passes. Please make sure your luggage passes through the X-ray machine before you board the plane.好的,这是你们的登机证。请在登机前确认你们的行李通过X光检测机。

7.In fact, the boarding pass itself is identical to boarding passes used in traditional boarding with gate agents.事实上,这种电子登机牌本身与传统纸质登机牌其实是一样的。

8.Air Canada, meanwhile, is working with Canadian authorities on its Montreal "E-Boarding passes" pilot.与此同时,加拿大航空正就其“电子登机牌”试行计划与加拿大有关当局进行磋商。

9.Recent Stockholm to Beijing will also open routes to print boarding passes onpne services, for more international passengers.近期还将开通斯德哥尔摩至北京航线的网上打印登机牌服务,为更多国际旅客提供服务。

10.Here are your tickets, passports and boarding passes. Your luggage claim tags are attached to the tickets cover.这是你们的机票,护照和登机牌,你们的行李牌附在机票的正面了。