




1.背巾 Bebe Au Lait 哺乳罩衣 Boba 抱婴袋 背巾 Born Free 奶瓶 奶嘴 ...

2.抱婴袋 Bebe Au Lait 哺乳罩衣 Boba 抱婴袋 背巾 Born Free 奶瓶 奶嘴 ...

3.包裹式斜背巾 ... |-Biodermis 强劲除产后疤痕 |-Boba 包裹式斜背巾 |-Bravado 加拿大哺乳文胸 ...

4.婴儿软背巾 minimonkey 背带 Boba 婴儿软背巾 Pacific Baby 保温奶瓶 ...

5.背袋 ... Biodermis Xeragel 去疤 boba 背袋 walking wings 学步带 ...

6.珍珠配料 冰品 Ice cream 珍珠配料 Boba 包装材料 Package ...

7.粉圆 馒头 Rice Bum 粉圆 Boba 凤梨 Pineapple ...


1.Led down the dark path by Aurra Sing, Boba will learn a thing of two about deception and deceit from his bounty hunter henchmen.被奥拉·辛引向黑暗道路,波巴将会从他赏金猎人同伙身上学会使用阴谋诡计。

2.Part of what makes Boba Fett as good as he is are the special modifications he has made to his Shocktrooper's armor.波巴·费特之所以这般出色,部分原因是他对他的震慑部队盔甲作了特别改造。

3.The name and reputation are just two of the many things Boba inherited from his father, Jango.波巴从父亲詹戈那里得到了很多遗产,姓氏和名声只是其中之二。

4.According to Empire's "making of" book, Once Upon a Galaxy, Boba Fett's character had originally emerged from that of Darth Vader.根据《帝国反击战》的“制作”系列之一,《曾经的银河系》一书,波巴·费特的形象最初是从达斯·维达这个角色里脱离出来的。

5.That Boba Fett's armor had some connection to the storm trooper pedigree had long been a vague assertion in Star Wars lore.很久以前,波巴‧费特的装甲就有些和突击士兵相连的血统,成为星际大战传说一个模糊的主张。

6.True to his enigmatic character, facts about Boba Fett remain as shifty as the sands of the Dune Sea.神秘的角色有着神秘的身世,波巴·费特的身世像沙丘之海的沙子一样让人难以捉摸。

7.Did you get the sense that George was using some of the original concepts he had when he developed Boba Fett for The Empire Strikes Back?你是否觉得乔治借此还原了他为《帝国反击战》创作波巴·费特时的一些原始构思?

8.For this assignment, they were led by Boba Fett, a mercenary hired by Darth Vader for his intimate knowledge of the cloning environments.在这次行动中,兵团由雇佣兵波巴·费特带领,达斯·维德看中了他对卡米诺克隆环境的熟悉,于是雇佣了他。

9.Elements of Boba Fett's helmet shape and chest hexagon can be found repeated throughout the Mandalorian architecture.整个曼达洛人的建筑里不断出现波巴·费特的头盔形状及胸甲六边形形状等元素。

10.At one point in early story development, Ahsoka visited Boba Fett in jail to ask for details about Aurra Sing.在故事发展的早期阶段,阿索卡曾去监狱探访波巴·费特,询问关于奥拉·辛的细节。