




1.喝咖啡 water),“喝茶”(drink tea),“喝咖啡”(drink coffee),“喝牛奶”(drink milk),“喝果汁”(drink juice),“喝酒”(drink wi…

2.喝杯咖啡 ... 7. Sing in the shower. 洗澡哼首歌。 8. Drink coffee. 啜杯咖啡。 9. Listen to new music. 听新鲜音乐。 ...

4.泡杯咖啡 ... 2. Drink Coffee. 泡杯咖啡 3. Watch porn. 看色情的东西(打发时间) ...

5.和咖啡 3.吃水果 eat fruit 4.和咖啡 drink coffee 5.吃蔬菜 eat vegetables ...

6.杯子原价 竞标网站 mail-in rebate 杯子原价 drink coffee 红色梦想 brim ...


1.There was nothing to it. It was pke resolving to drink coffee or take a bath every morning.没什么实质意义,好比下定决心每天早上喝杯咖啡或冲个澡。

2.For two hours before going to bed do not drink coffee or alcohol, or do not smoke or exercise.睡觉前两个小时内不要喝咖啡或酒精饮料,不要抽烟或者锻炼身体。

3.Nescafe and Yinlu cooperative long-standing, Yinlu foundry production Nescafe ready-to-drink coffee products has been 6 years of history.雀巢和银鹭的合作由来已久,银鹭代工生产雀巢即饮咖啡产品已有6年历史。

4.I would pke to ask you to drink coffee teacher, can I?老师我想请你喝咖啡,可以吗?用英语怎么说?

5.She's not allowed to eat raw fruit or vegetables, or drink coffee, cold drinks or even cold water, which can only be drunk tepid or hot.月子期间,她被禁吃水果或蔬菜,也不能喝咖啡、冷饮,甚至连凉水也不行——只能喝温的或者热的。

6.I could sit and drink coffee with Mircea all day and everything would get murkier and murkier.我可以和莫西亚整天坐在一起喝咖啡,但是一切都变得越来越扑朔迷离。

7.A woman said to the doctor: "Every time I would drink coffee injury to the eye. "一个妇女对医生说:“每次我喝咖啡都会伤到眼睛。”

8.Women who drink coffee could be protecting themselves against an aggressive form of breast cancer, research suggests.研究发现,饮用咖啡能有效降低女性罹患乳腺癌的机率。

9.Let's making people around us happy, just pke the owner of grocery store let us drink coffee without any charge.让我们周围所有的人都开心,就像让旁边杂货店老板让我们免费喝咖啡一样的。

10.Oh! Why do not drink Coca-Cola? Preference for a cup of coffee? Nestle and drink coffee?哦!为什么不喝可口可乐?偏爱喝咖啡?而且是要喝雀巢咖啡?