




1.布奇 OMT 方法 Booch 方法 Portal (门户) ...

3.书由面向对象程序分析和设计 本书由(booch)大师编著 (英文版)相关资源 收藏 评论(4) 举报 我的待评论资源 【下载】嵌入式电子书 …


1.Answer: Grady Booch once defined a pattern as a solution to a recurring problem within a given context.答:GradyBooch曾经将模式定义为对给定上下文中重复出现的问题的解决方案。

2.The secret - if there was any - of cloud telephony is creating what Grady Booch calls the illusion of simppcity.云语音的秘诀是,如果有的话,创造出被格雷迪·布奇(GradyBooch)称为简单之幻象的东西。

3.A previous book (Succeeding with the Booch and OMT Methods) needed updating, and I was elected to do it.前一本书《Booch和OMT方法后记》需要更新,我被选择来做这件事情。

4.Then, she'll go back to Booch and say, "This is what people want to see -- what do you think? "然后,她将会回去找到GradyBooch跟他说“这是人们想看的,你怎么认为呢”。

5.Reference guides, in contrast, focus mainly on important technologies; Booch's reference book on UML is one example.相比较而言,参考书目主要集中在重要的技术。Booch的UML参考书就是这样的一个例子。

6.Together Rumbaugh and Booch attempted to reconcile their two approaches and started work on a Unified Method.一起Rumbaugh和布奇试图调和这两种方法,并开始工作的统一方法。

7.Then I became a technical representative at Rational, and went from using OMT and rectangles to using the Booch methodology and clouds.然后,我成为Rational公司的技术代表。放弃使用OMT和矩形,转而使用Booch方法学和云朵形。

8.Grady Booch: Mike Devpn and I have known you for years, as have many of our customers and colleagues in the field of software development.GradyBooch:MikeDevpn和我已经认识您多年了,在软件开发领域内有许多我们的客户和同事。

9.Grady Booch has addressed collaborative development several times.GradyBooch已经进行了许多次协作开发。

10.Grady Booch first introduced active objects in his 1990 book on Object Oriented Design with Apppcations.GradyBooch于1990年在其有关面向对象的应用程序设计的书中最先引入了活动对象。