




1.我 ... Ser All Sim 家裹人 Set Me 自己 e.g. 知识,浪漫, 家庭期望 ...

3.设定期望)                 <001> Romance 爱情期望                 <002> Family 家庭期望


1.My cousin is always trying to set me up with women from her officer.表姐总是尝试着把她的同事介绍给我。

2.Wish you enjoy the present that I sent to you. Last time you set me a present, it's very useful, it's nice of you! Happy birthday to you!我送给你的礼物希望你会喜欢,上次你送我的礼物那实在是太实用了,你想得实在太周到!

3.I asked breathlessly as she set me down in a dark room somewhere off the second-story hall.我喘息着说道,她把我带到二楼走廊深处的一间黑暗的屋子里。

4.What I need is only a simple yellow ribbon round the old oak tree to set me free.我需要仅是老橡树上的一条黄丝带能让我获自由。

5.He's the one Casey was trying to set me up with, and even though I rejected, it might be still worth a try.他就是凯西试图给我介绍的那位,尽管我拒绝,但想来想去还是可以尝试一下。

6.e. g. My cousin is always trying to set me up with women from her officer.我的表姐总是试图帮我介绍她单位的女性。

7.And now he had got another pair of cases, and a pamphlet to reprint, on which he set me to work.这时,他已经弄到了另外两只活字盘,有一个小册子要重印,他就叫我做这工作。

8.Thinking about him may not set me on fire as it used to, but after 17 years and two kids, our love is still warm.每当想起他,我可能不象当年那样能燃起心中的火。但相伴17年,共同养育了两个孩子,我们的爱仍然温暖。

9.And she said, Give me a blessing; for that thou hast set me in the land of the South, give me also springs of water.他说:「求你赐福给我,你既将我安置在南地,求你也给我水泉。」

10.Not a bit. I'll talk all day if you'll only set me going. Beth says I never know when to stop.一点也不介意。要是你让我打开了话匣子,我能聊个昏天暗地,贝思总是说我从来不知道什么时候停下。