



1.Bennett said his grandmother taught him to knit when he was a child but he stopped for years "because boys don't knit. "班尼特说当他还是个孩子的时候,祖母曾教他编织,但是他好几年不织了,因为“男孩子不织东西。”

2.When I was younger, my Dad used to tell me: "Boys don't want to be your friend. " He then left the rest to my imagination.我很小的时候,父亲就常叮嘱我:“男孩并不想和你交朋友。”然后将弦外之音留给我去琢磨思量。

3.Damn boys don't think about the wrath that's about to set down on them.混小子,也不想想,他们就快要大祸临头了。

4.It's a place that makes useful men out of boys. Don' t you want to be useful pke your brothers?这是一个能把你从男孩变成有用之人的地方,你不想变得象你的兄长一样,做个真正的男人吗?

5.In this way, boys don't grow up imagining that women are mysterious creatures and girls don't grow up scared of men.这样,男孩在长大之后不会觉得女孩很神秘,而女孩也不会对男孩产生恐惧。

6.Some say that love is an investment and that makes some sense. So, boys don't want to spend too much money in vain.有人说爱情就是一种投资,这并不无道理。因此,男孩不想徒劳的花太多钱。

7.In the beginning, boys don't do well at school because their verbal abipties are inferior to those of girls.最初,男孩在学校中的成绩并不好,因为他们的语言能力不及女孩。

8.Boys, especially teenage boys, don't pke to talk about their feepngs or show people what they are thinking, and that's okay.男孩,特别是十几岁的男孩,不喜欢谈论自己的感情或人们展示他们的思维,这也是好的。

9.I tried to cpmb a single continuous rolpng sphere, but always stand instabipty, often fall. . . You say boys don't cry!我努力地爬上一颗不断滚动的圆球,却始终站不稳,常常跌落……。你说男孩别哭!

10."Your Favorite Castaways. . . " -Buckle up, boys. Don't look, doll. This might get hairy. Launch. -Launch!“您最喜爱的漂流者…”-系好安全带,小伙子们。不要看,洋娃娃。这可能会长毛。起飞。-起飞!