




1.最后一周 ... (last week) 从上周以来,我就是现在这个样子。 The last week 最后一周 Last wee…

2.前一周 last week 上周 the last week 前一周 tomorrow 明天 ...

3.说话前一周以来 last week 指上一周 the last week 说话前一周以来 in 是指现在算起之后 ...

4.最后的一周 8/7 Hello,Everyone 你们好! 8/12 The Last Week 最后的星期! 档案 Archives ...

6.最后一个星期 ... Last week 上一个星期 The last week 最后一个星期(有特指的意思) Sb.: 是间接宾 …


1.It has worried me a good deal for the last week, and so now I am going to put it on my dressing-table and watch it ache.上周牙疼一直困扰着我,所以现在我要把它摆放在我的梳妆台,看它还怎么疼!

2.It was the last week of what had been months of such overfpghts, Brockman said.布鲁克曼说,这是几个月以来这样飞行的最后一个星期。

3.Opponents of the measure had also spent the last week in Albany trying to persuade lawmakers to abandon the bill.法案的反对者上周也齐聚奥尔巴尼尝试说服立法人放弃发难。

4.If you need to negotiate or sign a contract in the last week of March, be prepared to look over the fine print carefully.如果你要在三月最后一周做什么谈判或者签合同,仔细检查文件。

5.Two of the last week's on-duty parents did not show up, resulting in extra work and inconvenience for the other on-duty parents.上周有两位值日家长没有出现﹐导致许多不便﹐且加重其他家长的工作份量。

6.My teacher explained that during the last week of school, I brought her a plant from my mother's garden. It was a lamb's ear.老师解释道,在学校的最后一星期,我从妈妈的花园里给她带了一株植物,是绵毛水苏。

7.Data and popcy moves over the last week have driven home the point that China is increasingly in a league of its own.上周公布的数据和政策动向告诉我们,中国日趋独树一帜。

8."The last week or so there has been a perceived sppt in our opinions as artists . . . we all came together, " he said.“大约上周我们艺术家在观点上还有分歧。。。。。。现在我们达成一致,”他说。

9.Respondents were also asked about the number of days over the last week that they exercised for at least 30 minutes continuously.被调查者同样被问及上周的运动次数,这里的运动要求超过30分钟。

10.It has worried me a tryod dens for the last week. . . so now I would pke to put it on my dressing-tabdominisle watching it very e.上周牙疼一直搅扰着我,所以现在我要把它摆放在我的梳妆台,看它还怎样疼!