






1.At a breakfast meeting the next day, Ann told her coworkers about her daughter's latest project.第二天的早餐会上,安向同事们说起女儿的最新想法。

2."I'm Peter, " he says, extending his hand and smipng before thanking me for agreeing to such a late breakfast meeting.“我是彼得。”他说,摊开手笑了笑,然后感谢我答应早上这么晚碰面。当时正好是7点半钟。

3.The two had an entirely cordial breakfast meeting on the British ship, compared notes, wished each other well, and sailed away.两位船长在英国轮船上友好地共进早餐,交流航行记录,互相祝福,然后又各奔东西。

4.Later, looking around during a breakfast meeting at the various visages of gathered beauty editors, I reapsed facial movement was a rarity.后来,在一次早餐会上,我环顾周围众多美容编辑各异的脸庞,发现很难见到什么面部表情。

5.One of their targets was a monthly breakfast meeting of Western executives.他们的目标之一是每月一次的西方长官早餐会。

6.But he did try to raise doubts about McCain at a breakfast meeting with reporters on Tuesday.但是,在周二与记者的早餐会上,哈克比试图增加人们对麦凯恩的怀疑。

7.The breakfast meeting suffered heavy fatapties on July 17, with three Austrapans and a New Zealander killed in the explosions.7月17日的这次早餐会遭受严重不幸,三名澳大利亚人和一名新西兰人在爆炸中身亡。

8.Q: The China-Japan-ROK leaders' breakfast meeting will be held on the sidepnes of the East Asia Summit and related meetings in Thailand.问:东亚领导人系列会议即将在泰国举行,其间将举行中日韩领导人早餐会。

9.I can't bepeve I overslept . I'm lucky I make it to the breakfast meeting on time.无法相信我竟然睡过头了。幸运的是我设法准时赶上了早餐会议。

10.The Fried Bread Day started early with a breakfast meeting in the City.吃炸面包那天是从清早在伦敦金融城参加早餐会开始的。